About Me:
Native Los Angeles, California born now recently Charleston, WV resident. Served my country for four years in the United States Army and travelled the world. While in the service I started my family with my wonderful wife Carla, and three children: Sequoia, Sahara, and Curtis III. I began writing, reluctantly, due to the urging of my family and friends who saw my talent and convinced me to persue the sometime unforgiving career of writing which spawned my first published book entitled "The Year of the Zebracorn." At this time I am attempting to continue the success of my first book by endeavoring in a Zebracorn series and also more human based books to come. "The Year of the Zebracorn" can be purchased online at PublishAmerica.com; Amazon.com; Barnes&Nobles.com; Target.com; Borders.com and many indie bookstores nationwide.