About Me:
About Myself? Hm.. That is a tough question b/c unfortunately my mind is generally all over the place. lol Can't a brotha make a joke? Anyway, I'm in the process of creating a comic book that I hope can go into mainstream media.
Yes, I realize the consequences for doing such, I won't have much time on my hands but I normally and most likely can find time to do almost everything that I need to do. Anyway my comic book is basically about a young boy who's chosen to save the earth and blah blah. I've made several stories in high school but they've never really engulfed me and made me participate like this one has so I've decided to sit down, put some money aside, unfortunately, I may have to put the video games aside too :-( but that is a big maybe.. On top of that I am in school and I am going to obtain my Associates in Interactive Media and from there either work for a company and this site is just the site to go to that will enhance my network. I believe that if you know people, then you'll have more success at achieving the job you want.