About Me:
I am Author of the recently released novel BLACK JACK -A Drama of Magic; about my great uncle magician Black Herman and his wife Eva who passed away weeks ago at age 111! Yes, we believe there is a reason for her longevity. More than she told Willard Scott, (Of Today Show) "Strong faith in the Lord". Currently asking everyone to ask their public library to carry a couple of copies so that everyone can read of the fantastic lives of this iconic couple from the Harlem Renaissance -Black Herman (Benjamin Rucker) was declared by Harvard's DuBois Institute to be one of the 400 Most Influential African-Americans. He died tragically, somewhat mysteriously on stage at the age of 42. Seventy-six years ago this April 14, (the anniversary of President Lincoln's assassination) Avail. Amazon/Kindle and Barnes&Noble.com
Your Occupation
Finanical Analyst -Writer