Birthday: October 13
Saint Louis, MO
October 13
About Me:
I am truly the sum total of my life's experience and how I choose to respond to that experience (which is something I have come to realize in minute detail). My journey to self-awareness and understanding may be off to a late start, but better late than never. I am a professional amateur. What I mean by that is, to me, the world is all brand new. It's like I'm seeing everything clearly for the very first time. I am finally waking up. My interest here I suppose is much the same as everyone else: I have an interst in Science Fiction. I love to read and I am a very creative writer. I am interested in seeing and/or creating SF literature that I can identify with. Most of all, I am interesed in seeing who is out there and what you're up to (in the world of SF).
Relationship Status:
Your Occupation
IT Consultant