About Me:
Web Developer/Artist/Letter/Writer and Editor. Finish my first comic book Bluejay and The RUSH #1. Working on a webcomic based on Vince Whites's Legend of Will Power character Dr.Nod. Planning on 2 more web comics. One as a companion to the Bluejay and The RUSH comic series "RUSH Parallels and "Powerverse Presents: The Warrior Jaah" based in the Legend of Will Power Universe. I also have Rush MInis comic strips which is more cartoon / kid friendly look at the RUSH universe characters. Contributor and fan of The Legend of Will Power comic book series.
How did you find out about this site?
At CHARR.com we want to tell the stories we have been dreaming up all these many years and be able to help others do the same. To achieve this we want to provide techniques and resources to help future creators develop art and writing skills to present their stories as novels, comics or animation.
You know if your profile does not have basic info it will be considered spam
No I did not.