About Me:
Steven “Sash” Scott is a graduate from the Art Institute of Philadelphia and a writer residing in Suitland Maryland where he used to teach martial arts. He plies his craft as a freelance artist, illustrating children books such as The Adventures of Diggle, Boogie, and LoLo, by Eric Kellum, The Gift of Blessing, by Connie Akpan and several others. In addition he has lent his artistic talent to Gaia’s Voyages, The Spirit Blade Underground, and Darker Projects. He has penned work for theatrical and audio productions for Dominion Church of Washington DC’s Drama Ministry and The Spirit Blade Underground. He has also designed and constructed stage sets and special effects for various dramatic productions for Dominion Church.
A diehard fan of science fiction, Shakespeare, animé, and bible stories, Steven combines these interests in creator-owned comic strips and graphic novels. He has a passion for and talent in, almost all genres of art. He has been a listener of long standing to BBC7′s Seventh Dimension. His introduction to fan-based audio productions was BrokenSea Audio Production’s adaptation of, The Planet of the Apes and Doctor Who.
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