About Me:
“I write as a conduit for creation. I’m such a creative being that if I couldn’t write my stories or create music, I’d have no reason to exist on this plane...well, there’s always a reason to exist, but you know what I mean. People who aren’t artists don’t always relate. Their reality is usually just black and white. But in the world of the creative we dwell in all shades of gray and everything in between.
Mankind is creating all of the time from creating babies to machines to art. I create as a form of art. God, for those who choose to use that label, is the creator of creation and all things. In my world of Science Fiction, I create worlds, dilemmas, catastrophes, harmony and bliss. This is the closest I’ll ever come to being God or the Mystic Law itself. In my eyes to emulate this energy as a creator is the ultimate form of worship.”
Taj Sonchai has been in the music and entertainment industries for most of his life. Taj is an accomplished bassist and is the creator of “The Black Mau Chronicles”, his action packed science fiction series.
www.taoentertainmentnetwork.com / www.blog4tsotsm.wordpress.com
Your Occupation
Healer, Musician,Teacher, Author and I dabble in the entertainment biz too!
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Been a member of BSFS for years
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