About Me:
Mr. Bernier is from New York City and has a B.S. degree in Geology from the City University of New York at York College. He moved to North Carolina and earned an M.S. degree in Geology from UNC, Chapel Hill. Mr. Bernier has worked in various areas of Earth Sciences, and Technology. He worked as a hydrologic technician with the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program and as a Hydrologist in Miami, FL. Within a year he decided to work in the private sector as a field seismic data processor for Western Geophysical. This opportunity gave Mr. Bernier a global perspective while working in numerous countries within Africa and the European Union. Living on ships makes a few years feel like many more, but the experience gained from it also goes a long way. With the knowledge gained Mr. Bernier started his own company and began teaching nights at Miami Dade College and Florida Memorial University. Within a few years he hired many of his students and his company was a contributor which met the needs of many small businesses in the tri-county area. But it was not enough for Mr. Bernier; he wanted to do more in industry, more in science. With his web of international business contacts his reach went back to the European Union where he started a business based on innovation behind challenges of deploying wireless solutions. He and several partners created Ekoplc, S.L. Based in Palma de Mallorca, Mr. Bernier was a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer. The company met the needs of numerous organizations throughout Spain and expanded operations to the Canary Islands, Egypt, Dominican Republic, and Turkey. Even though, being voted by La Caixa as the most innovative company in the Balearic Islands, the changing tides of the economic downturn resulted in change. After a few short years Mr. Bernier returned his focus toward projects and business development in the USA and Asia. Mr. Bernier's passion still being science needed a boost. He decided to help the U.S. Geological Survey on several water supply operations with field work and providing his expertise on instrumentation, programming and his understanding of earth systems. After a few years he was asked to present some of his research at the American Geophysical Union Annual Conference and has been presenting almost every year. Currently Mr. Bernier is pursuing his doctoral degree in Geosciences at Florida Atlantic University on isotopes and their use to define source waters within the hydrologic cycle.
Your Occupation
Geologist/Hydrologist/Educator/Filmmaker/Science Communicator
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