Technics Ikechi Nwosu posted a status
Oct 19, 2019
Ethnic Science Fiction in Africa’s Political Sphere: the drivers of Technoscience
Technics Ikechi Nwosu
The African Science Fiction Project, Owerri, Nigeria. Email:

Necessity is the mother of invention. Conflict is a necessity situation. Visions of ethnic superiority in science fiction imageries are capable of creating conflict situations in real life that can change the parameters for ethnic competition in Africa from all other issues to quest for dominance or supremacy in technological attainments in the real world. This way, ethnicity or ethnocentrism can be harnessed for Africa’s technoscientific growth. The argument in this paper is predicated on two axioms or basic statements: first, science fiction drives technological innovation in the real world and second, ethnic competition can manifest as ethnic technoscientific identity competition, given the necessary fuel. This paper does not focus on science fiction as a source of, or stimulant for, technoscientific innovation (for this is true but is the subject of another discourse) but rather focuses on ethnic science fiction as a peculiar kind of science fiction that has the power to spark off ethnic competition for technoscientific identity manifestation in real life. The paper puts ethnicity at the centre of technology politics in multi-ethnic African states and recommends the construction of ethnic innovation policies in these states. The theoretical construct of this paper adopts ethnic competition theory and expands it to include non-economic competition such as image-identity competition and competence competition, thus amplifying the psychological dimensions of this framework.
Keywords: Ethnic science fiction; Ethnicity and Ethnocentrism; Technoscience; Technoscientific identity-competition

Comment on Nwosu, T.I. (2018). Ethnic Science Fiction in Africa’s Political Sphere: the drivers of Technoscience. International Journal of Political Science and Development. 6(6) 163-168. Donald M. Hassler

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