The novels of Mark Canter

Hello, I'm the former senior editor of Men's Health magazine and the author of "Ember from the Sun," published in 10 languages. White guy here, yet despite my sparse melanocytes, all five of my novels feature main characters who are people of color (including protagonists of Native American, Chinese, and Hispanic heritage). Three of my novels star heroes of African heritage. I don’t write gritty, Walter Mosley type street-tales about inner-city antiheroes. My African-American characters are all well-educated and sophisticated, if not outright geniuses. (The axiom is “Write what you know,” and all my black friends and acquaintances are smart and talented.) Even my historical fiction about the missing years in the life of Jesus includes two central characters who are Africans: Maurus, a Numidian warrior and scholar who is an important mentor to Jesus; and Owiti, an Abyssinian stable hand who is Jesus’s closest friend.
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