Day Seven

She's Dead. Theresa is gone. Regardless of all of the things that we did to keep this place safe, they got her and I couldn't save her. I swear I never wanted this to happen, not to any of us. I don't know how to feel not at all. I know I've said some things to her and about her that weren't great and were sometimes rude, but for it to end like this. Why?After the video stronghold thing was set up everyone met to chill out and get there mind of things for a while. I honestly had my mind set on hanging with them, but when I reached for a less that "manly" drink, at least to some, Brian made a few wise ass comments that I didn't feel where that funny. I went off by myself to get some sleep instead of putting him in his place once and for all. I don't know this kid from Adam, yet for some reason I don't some much care for him. I guess he's just doing his best to stay alive like the rest of us, but I dunno it's just weird. Anyway on my way back I went ahead, grabbed a gun from the back, and stocked up on some clips just in case. That thing with Terry shook me up a bit, and I didn't wanna be caught off guard if the shit hits again. After that I made my way over to the middle of the arts section with my sleeping bag and dug in for the night.Screams were all I heard, from everywhere. It startled me obviously because when I left everyone was laughing and playing around. I made my way back to electronics, when I saw it. Theresa on the ground being……EATEN. I don't know how they got in, but there were so many of them that I froze. I was scared outta my mind. April and Will bolted past me without a second glance, and Cujo was nowhere in sight. I was about to head out myself when I saw Brian on the ground. One of those things had grabbed him and was about to make his night over really quick. I didn't have time to think about it only act. I ran over and kicked the thing as hard as I could in the head. I tried to take it off, but it didn't happen I had to pop one in its head just to make sure though. Cujo had left his piece while he was pussing out so I tossed mine to Brian and grab the other one so we could lay waste to the place. I'd say there were a good nine or so of those things coming full steam at us and let me tell you a bullet to the face will drop them just the same. I think I got a good half of them but there's no way to tell since it was dark and bullets were everywhere. Once we were done there was no real communication between Brian and I, we kinda silently thanked each other and called it even. Theresa got one between her eyes just to be safe and we tossed her off the roof for better measure.So now here we are. We've designated shifts for watch to make sure that attack doesn't get repeated later on. We've also had a new development with some other people. Cujo's country upbringing finally came in handy. He for some odd reason is like a c.b. radio guru or whatever and got some signal on a rig down the road from here. Three or four people are trapped and have been looking for help for a good while now. Fun part is, they aren't being given a passing glance. They've been fairly quiet and the type three's keep walking by them. Lucky fucks. Brian has some plan that he's gonna try to put into motion involving a Dodge Charger, propane tanks, and Cujo with a gun. This is gonna end so bad. We'll see how that goes, and if I'm not rotisserie I'll fill the blanks in later.
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