Sarah Caullings Private Journal 3

If any of my journals are being read, I imagine that I am either dead or under investigation by the United States government as well as many others. I cannot say that the leaving of these journals is any attempt to clear myself of any wrong doing in this specific incident. Rather these journals are my attempt to shed light on a matter that may very well cost the entire population of the world their lives. I am just as responsible if not more so than the virus for the deaths of so many people, that at this moment I cannot concern myself with the personal repercussions of airing the dirtiest laundry that the world has ever known. The events in these journals are true the last details. NO names have been withheld, unless they were not known to me. Max….Charles, I am so sorry for what I have had to do.Our days ago my team landed in South St. Paul Minnesota for quarantine and pacification. There were a few plans considered on how to perform this task in the least riskful way. There was nothing that I could say to my team or higher ups that could sway their decision, so all I asked was that they allow me to quarantine my neighborhood. Even though my area was of a decent size, my conscience would not allow that many people to go in with gun blazing with no mercy and no heart to kill those that I’ve known for many years. The final agreement was that I would come back in town and go about my normal day. While I was acting as basic bait for the others, two of the six members left in my team would go through the area at night and cleanse it of any non-essential personnel.I called home as I usually do after I’ve been away for some time and had my husband Charles invite a few of the local CDC girls to the house for dinner. This is something that we do to welcome each other back after a long time off, as well as to catch up on the latest gossip. The only difference this time is that some of the girls knew why I had left in the first place. Dinner started at around seven and my started quietly gathering residents at seven thirty. After dinner, Charles volunteered himself to clean up so that the girls and I could go chat in the living room and have a few drinks. I’m not sure if it was the drinks or the food, but there was an air of tension so think that I thought I was being strangled by the looks in the room. Gladys Walsh finally cut the nerves in the room by saying that, “The business I had been tending to was a little to hush hush,” for her liking, and that there is no reason for me to keep everything so quiet to them all of a sudden. This sparked the rest of the women to throw their ill mannered tempers into the fray and open the door for a conversation that my home was not the place for. Bethany Hayden actually said that the company was getting what it deserved by having this virus run loose with no way for us to control it. By that time, I lost all control over my usual patient self, and told them all to leave. Had they known that I had come back in an attempt to help save their lives, they have reacted a little different to this situation. I know they were surprised to have been kicked out, because they slammed their car and my house doors so hard that I thought they were going to come off the hinges.When I came back in I saw Charles talking to Max about eaves dropping on other people’s conversations and how he should know better than to do such a thing. I couldn’t bear to watch my son in his final hours being yelled at by my husband, so I went upstairs and took a long cold shower to help calm my nerves.Late that night I made contact with my team who informed me that Gladys Walsh was dead. Her husband Nate had been infected and murdered her sometime in the night after she had gotten home. The problem now was that Nate was nowhere to be found. The teams where on the verge of breaking cover and calling in extra help when I ordered them to stand their ground. Maybe it was my voice or maybe it was the fact that they knew how close I was to the Walsh’s, but they listened somewhat and told me that I had twenty four hours to take him down before they acted. I went back to bed at around 4 a.m. and found Charles waiting up for me. He has a way for knowing when things are building up inside of me, and for the life of me I can never hold back from him. So, in a last attempt at stopping him before I let everything come pouring out of me I kissed him. I kissed him so passionately that he completely submitted himself to me. We made love for the last time for two hours before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms.I awoke again yesterday morning at around eleven o’clock after a long night of tossing and turning to find my home was empty. I went in the living room and found my little max, Mighty Max, on the couch playing his Xbox online. I asked him if he knew where his father was, and he told me that he went out for a round of golf a few hours ago and would be back later. After making sure the area was relatively safe, I told Max that I was going to see the Walsh’s and would be back in a few hours or so. I left in my little Ford Taurus at twelve o’clock to see if I could find the late Nathan Walsh before anymore harm could be done. For the entire ride I had my silenced nine millimeter pistol on my side next to my portable stun gun just in case the situation turned bad very quickly. After driving for about an hour I decided to recircle the area back towards my house. I figured that maybe my target had taken the back yards and snuck by me when I was passing through.When I made my way to my back yard I saw it. Nate Walsh on the ground with an incredible wound to his head, and Max running in the house with blood on his arm. My heart dropped when I saw what happened. I ran over to Nate quickly and put one solid shot between his eyes to make sure that he would not come back. I radioed my team that the target was neutralized and needed an immediate evacuation of his body. Within a few moments I had taken his body to the side of the house so that my team could come in and take the murdering bastard away from my house. They asked if there had been and casualties, and me being the good soldier that I am, I told them about Max. My team wanted to go ahead and secure my home as well, but I assured them that I would handle it. After a few moments of sly glances they agreed on another twenty four hours before they would return to clear out the entire area. In those twelve hours they were to sweep the rest South St. Paul and debrief and decontaminate all personnel.Charles returned home at about 4 p.m. I waited to go back into the house because I didn’t want Max to think that I had seen what happened with Nate. The entire rest of the night Max was incredible quiet not to mention wearing a long sleeve shirt. Charles made a comment about wearing long sleeves at this time of year, but I didn’t have the heart to join in with the joke. I excused myself from the table an hour into the dinner and when asked if I needed to talk, I told Charles that I was going to go for a midnight walk alone. I left the house and ran as fast as I could down the street towards and old shallow lake. I’m not sure how long I was there, but I know that I have never in my life cried as much as I did then. How was I supposed to Kill the only two people that were left in my life in cold blood? How was I supposed to be a part of a plan that was set in motion because of my very actions? Easy. Because Charles and Max were dead the second that this virus was allowed to leave Japan. After a few hours of soul searching and begging to God to allow my family and friends safe passage into Heaven I made my way back to the house into a warm yet cold bed.This morning was much the same as yesterday. I awoke to a seemingly empty house at around 10 a.m. I cleaned myself up and picked up my firearm and made way for the living room. With my silencer attached I knew that their deaths would be quick and relatively painless. As I made my way into the kitchen I saw the second sight of the week that completely broke my spirit. I imagine that Charles was making dinner when it happened. Max was on top of him literally eating his throat. I hope that it happened quickly, but I know it was torture. Seeing his only son walking limply towards him moaning in a lifeless dirge. Knowing Charles he probably went to see what was wrong with him up close when Mighty Max locked his teeth into his neck. As soon as I came into the room max looked up from his breakfast appetizer towards his new entrée. He locked our eyes for a few moments and stared at each other with what was probably the same gaze. Both of us now heartless soulless shells of what we were. I called his name twice with no response. Max looked through me with a gaze so menacing that I chilled my bones. Once our dancing waltz was over Max made his move. He leapt towards me with a speed that I thought only a world class sprinter would have. But just as soon as he was up running he was down on his back with a dime sized hole smoking from his head. The training from the NSA must have paid off, because I didn’t even realize that I pulled the trigger. Once my job in my former house was done I called for my evac. squad so that I could leave that place once and for all.With that task finally completed the rest of the team meet up so for briefing on Able squads mission in North Carolina. The task of blacking out the area went off without a hitch, at least until the power came back on a few hours later. Able is still in the area, but they are asking for our assistance in controlling the area. Now that I have completed a job that has left me without a family, friends, or a home I could care less about where we go. I’ve been to Hell, and while I was there I sent everyone I love to Heaven.Sarah Caullings CDC Q.A Administrator
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