Murder In Nufrika I

Murder In Nufrika (Part I)Atabra, Sudan. February 23, 2216. Five days before the first centennial of “New Africa”, as the elder politicians still call it. The average citizen chuckle and scoff at the archaic pronunciation. The term was now “Nufrika” coined by the young and those who resist the conformed. Even my 15 year old son, Carter G.W. Danjuma (Because he was born on a Friday) finds such people – I included – Unhip. But he promised his mother that he would take part of the festivities.“But if they play that old music stuff called hippo hop,” Carter warned. “I’m going to rip my ears off!”Youth. They can’t appreciate a thing. Their idea of music is called ghostbeat. Ghostbeat as these kids described, is dancing to the beat that isn’t there.Yes, I know. It doesn’t make sense to me either. And yet billions of dollars have been invested in into, Ghostbeat.I laid in my lounge chair looking out the window into the Nile River. Old couples wind-sailed on the water and allowed the winds carry the boats about aimlessly. High over the river people coasted on their air bikes. Most of them were youths that couldn’t get enough of soaring through the air. 25 miles north of the river I was supposed to meet my friend of 40 years Tunde Hayes, son of Carl Darfur Hayes. Carl was the president of four companies, one of which was called Old Ashanti, a clothing design store Tunde ran that introduced a new fabric that is popularized by the rest of the world. Tunde and I were to go over security procedures for the centennial celebration for the hundredth time. Call it boasting, but I’m one of the most respected sergeants in Atabra. Tunde had always known this. But this year he seemed a little concerned, almost paranoid. I couldn’t understand why.“Internet” I said out loud. My window clouded into darkness and soon emerged a screen appeared in its place. The internet appeared in the screen and prompted a question: Which site please? “Old Ashanti.” I answered. I was ordering a new police suit in the site. The old suit was already six months old and the idea of using an iron seemed a little laboring. Synthetic material was cheap and fast nowadays. I punched in my size and design. Warrior patch was what I was in the mood for. And my wife Ifama lately liked me wearing that when we were intimate.That and Afriagra. But what do you want? I’m 54.As I got out the shower, Ifama yelled from the living room that my suit has arrived.“I don’t know why they took so long.” she said. “I thought it takes a half hour.”“Good African design demands the respect of time.” I quoted from an Old Ashanti commercial that my personal satellite beamed into my head when I slept. But my wife was correct. 45 minutes did seem unusual. It was big competitive business to get your fashion order to arrive in 30 minutes or less. But I didn’t complain.A hologram beamed out from the screen. Zula, my personal automated computerized administrative assistance service appeared. I programed her to appear like the 20th century actress Dorothy Dandridge.“Hotep, Seargent Vinza” said the hologram“Good Morning, Zula. What is the day looking like?”“Today in your part of Nufrika, it is 107 degrees”My wife came in with my suit as I was drying off. We both gave Zula a strange look. “I didn’t program you to say ‘Nufrika.’ I said.“Carter has tapped into my server at 6:13AM.” Zula replied. “Should I activate the system restore feature?”Ifama looked as me and laughed. “It’s your fault. You haven’t been spending time with Carter lately, so he had to find a way to get your attention.”I made a mental note to scold my son later. “No that’s fine.” I said to Zula. “Just remove his language plug-in and replace it with ‘New Africa.’”“Processing. In the meantime, will you be praying to Orisha today?”I found that question unusual. My family usually does Yoruban prayers at dinner and special events. “What’s happening today Zula?”“My data files indicated that you were aware of the news.”“What? What news? Retrieve the files that said when I was aware.”“Data files was erased as of 15 seconds ago. Details of data are no longer accessible.” said Zula. “All I have is that you were aware of the news that Tunde Hayes was found dead off the south bank of the White Nile this morning. This is why I thought you were going to prayer today.”“Oh god!” shouted Ifama.I clutched my chest and lost my footing. As I fell, Ifama grabbed me and took me to my bed. I couldn’t feel my left arm.“Zula!” shouted Ifama. “Activate the CPR Emergency Unit! Now!”I felt electric current channel through my bed and into my body as my wife placed an oxygen mask over my face. I then blacked out._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Kasala, Sudan. Carter was having a debate with his teacher Professor Penda about the upcoming election for Nufrika’s Prime King (or Queen) when he had to cut it short and rush out of the classroom. Carter jumped on his air bike and soon was airborne at an altitude of 600 feet. His mother just telepathed the news of his father into his brain via satellite, and he was off. Ifama always warned him not to go faster than the speed of sound, especially a kid his age. It was the law in New Africa.Fuck Nufrikan law, he said to himself as he peered down at the Blue Nile below him. Following the path of the river was how he got home. As much as he loved Nufrika, these old politicians were nothing but ignorant shackled thinkers. Always wanting the young to give respect but give no respect in return. Take the Satellite Telepathy Order. These old fools want to ban them because of some “health risk.” Centuries ago the white man invented a cell phone that causes cancer in the head, and nobody cared! An African invents the S.T.O. and now people wishes to ban it because of reports of nightmares? Shackled thinkers! They are just mad because they didn’t come up with it! This was why he was taking up political studies. Here they are at the 100th Anniversary of “New-Africa” where they are the new world financial leader, but they are still stuck in the old ways. But Orisha is wise. And Orisha has chosen him to lead his generation into His light.There were important matters now. He had just seen Tunde the night before at the Prime King’s party. But thinking back closely now, Tunde seemed strangely quiet. But now he was dead and his father just had a heart attack. He should make it home in about two to three hours if the police didn’t stop him.Carter also decided that it wasn’t a good idea to bring up Diana. He really liked her. She shared as much passion for political issues as he did. And they both wanted to make a difference in Nufrika. So what if she was Christian? She liked listening to ghostbeat music and they both looked good dancing to it. But his father has his prejudice, and the Yoruban faith was important to him. But again Orisha is wise for He is not prejudiced._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Carter landed on the runway behind his house where his mother greeted him.“I tracked your trip” she scolded Carter. “How many times I told you a teenager your age shouldn’t be speeding through the skies faster than the speed of sound? I should take your bike away from you!”“Momma, you should be glad that I made it as fast as could.”“Not if it means crashing against a mountain!”“Fine, momma. I am sorry. Where is daddy?”“He’s awake with a lot on his mind.” said Ifama. “And you shouldn’t have messed around with Zula. You caused her to delete information that was important to your father.”“I am sorry momma.”Ifama calmed down and looked at her growing boy. It seemed like only yesterday when Orisha blessed her with his birth. And as different as he was trying to be with his strange “hip” clothes and that silly music with the beat that isn’t there crap, he was still like his father. Always challenging the status quo. “You know uncle Tunde is dead.”“Yes momma. Will we pray for him tonight?”“That’s up to your father.”I heard my son when he landed on the runway with his airbike. I regret the day I bought it for him on his 13th birthday. But then I remember when my father bought one for me when I was young. The New African police caught me speeding at mach 2.5 every month. I couldn’t fly again until I was 17. That was embarrassing.I used the telephone to contact my men at the state police station because, according to Zula, my body couldn’t handle satellite telepathy in its weak condition. I would have to wait for King Kendar, ruler of Ethiopia to give his personal doctor permission to rejuvenate my arteries. Ethiopia has excelled in medicine in the last 75 years to the point where every citizen is a commodity because of their medical knowledge. They were responsible for curing Aids, Mega-Aids, Inventing Afriagra, Extending human life expectancy 27%, Supers skin cell regeneration for burnt victims, and many other medical wonders. King Kendar was the best surgeon of them all, but as they say even a doctor needed a doctor.Ifama, was scolding him about his speeding, I was sure of it. But soon he walked in the room where I was resting. Zula was standing by my bedside monitoring my heart condition.“Hotep Daddy” Carter greeted.“Hello Carter.” I smiled.“Are you okay?”“I’m weak. Hopefully I’ll be better when King Kendar sends a doctor.”“We have our own doctors why do we have to wait for him?” Carter said in frustration.“Because my medical insurance pays for the best. So trust the Kendar Sheild.” - Another slogan beamed in my head some nights ago.Another problem with Nufrika, Carter said to himself.“Father I am sorry if I caused any discrepancies with Zula.”“That’s fine son. Right now we have to make preparations for prayer at the site where Tunde was found.”“We should pray now father. You are no condition to travel.”“Seargent Vinza,” Zula interrupted. “Your job is on the line. Detective Rocky Calhoun wishes to speak to you.”I sighed when I picked up the phone. My faith teaches me not to hate, but Rocky was a f**king son of a b*tch that brings out the worst in me. “Hello Calhoun”“Vinza!” Rocky shouted on the phone. “Wow, I forgot how these tell-a-phone thingys work! Hold on a second, a spider just crawled out of mine. Eeeew! Disgusting! Okay I’m back. Hey I heard about your heart attack! Hey things have been going bad here. Carl wants answers and he wants you!”“Yes my wife took the message while I was unconscious.”“Well I know what its like to have a heart attack. Had two myself! Good thing we got that Kendar Shield huh!” Rocky laughed out long and hard.“Lucky you.” I muttered.“What?”“I said what news do you have for me?”“We got a link! I think that’s why Carl wants to see you! Tunde was found dead with multiple stab wounds. Man you should have been at the crime scene. Half his body was buried in the sand- ““Calhoun!”“Huh?”“Focus. You said there is a link?”“Oh! Your son! We found blood with your son’s DNA. We need him downtown. Now.”TO BE CONTINUED
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