I have created a Sci-Fi Cartoon series called Chase Vapor. It is about a young black girl who has to go on a quest into deep space to retrieve the Earth's water supply after a hostile group of aliens steals it. The project is currently in the hands of Amazon Studios. The way they operate is: They put the pitches they receive on their website for the public to rate out of 5 stars. This helps them determine which shows to make. Chase Vapor is currently #1 in the Childrenand Tween category, and #6 over all. What the CEO of Amazon studios has said is he doesn't just want the shows with the most likes, he wants to see that there is a passionate fanbase out there for the show. So if everyone could to go to https://studios.amazon.com/projects/79693 take a look at our show, rate it and leave positive comments, it would help a lot in getting the show made.

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