
Will, Matt, and Art weren’t the only ones keeping late hours that night. High above the planet’s surface, Rotart had problems of his own. His rebellious, power hungry son Taz was not the least bit happy with his father’s performance. To Taz and those in his inner circle, the consensus was that Rotart had grown weak. Taz was next in line to succeed Rotart. He was constantly at odds with his father and when it came to the issue of how to prevent the humans from boarding the mega ships bound for New Earth the hot-headed Taz did not hold back.

Rotart’s son was muscular and handsome. He liked to wear oversized silk shirt that showed his chest. His emerald studded earring glittered when he moved near the light. Taz’s dark green eyes looked almost black. The minute Rotart stepped foot back on the mother ship the fireworks began.

“Father I have been monitoring your feeble attempt to coddle the humans below. It sickens me to see the once great leader of our world stoop to putting on this charade,” Taz continued the feud with his father.

Rotart walked over to the refreshment area and poured himself a glass of blue glowing liquid. “You still have much to learn my son. One day…”

Taz interrupted, “One day what, Father? Your plan to have the humans sabotage their own vessels has failed. You may have succeeded in duping them into believing that we are Lazonians but unless you can convince this President Walker to blindly walk into your trap this plan will fail as well. There is still time to act, time to save Otar. Allow me to command the Otarian fleet, we will destroy this planet and the humans along with it and New Earth will be ours as it should have been in the first place.”

Rotart took a swig of the glowing liquid; he was growing impatient. “You seem to have everything figured out Taz”

Taz felt that he was finally making headway with his father. He lowered his tone and stepped closer, “Yes Father, I have given this a great deal of thought.”

Rotart looked his bloodthirsty son in the eyes and softly said, “Then what of the Planetary Alliance? What about their impressive fleet of warships? What will happen when they find out that we were the ones who wiped out an entire race of people, a people they were in the process of saving?”

Taz’ face dropped, he waved his hand as he walked away. “The three human males who deciphered the crop circles are in league with their President. We have already underestimated them once. Walker will never sign on to your scheme; not as long as they are around, they are too clever for you. Then what will you do Father?”

Rotart swirled his drink and pondered his son’s question. “If President Walker does not comply I will have no choice but to destroy the portals leading from this Earth to the flash lanes that will take them to the new world. Without them, their new mega-ships will be useless. They have been only taught to fly to the flash lanes and land that will carry them through 99% of their nine-month journey. Yes, destroy the flash lanes and they will be stranded here to accept their fate.”

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