There is a population of people in the world that are under represented. You can look in every country, every where and you might see one if you are lucky. They are the people, black people you just can't find anywhere.
What the heck is he talking about? OK I'm doing a project, a building design, I want to show some people in it to show both the sense of scale and that black people are in the house.
When using SketchUP, no problem, it has a face front tool. You take a photo, cut out the people, make a part out of it and insert it in your scene. It is a 2d picture that faces front no matter which angle the 3d picture is viewed from. By the way black people look cool in a modern spacey really kool house.
Switch over to Sweet Home 3d or other 3d drawing programs. Now Sweet Home 3d has 2 black persons. A male as stiff as a board in a suit and a female with a bigger bust than two Barbies also stiff. The white characters are more naturally posed, look like real people. Dang, reminds me if a life drawing class I took. I was the model and it took the class 3 tries before I looked like me. What was that!?!
I know many of you are into 3d characters for games and animation BUT did you ever consider the under served market of little black people for architectural models and renderings. Hi, I'm a new architect of color. Hello new architect of color, what do you bring to the table? I bring a whole library of little black people so that your black clients will accept your envisionings without wenching. Yeah, we don't admit it but that is a problem. Your hired. OK, I want a beefy contract for me and also one for my little black people.
Hey, desktop publishers have the same problem, clip-art that targets or features black people doing the same things as other peoples is scarce. Come now, we are fluent in portraiture, religious, hip-hop, revolutionary posters, hair-do, head-shots, slave stuff and sci-fi (our favorite).
We 2d'em, 3d'em and omni-max them, but a little black dude waving hi, sitting reading a novel, a sweet thing walking wearing normal daily clothes. Oh yes, you can include a super hero wardrobe and a Chihuahua that transforms into a Doberman. And I don't mind at all if you hook me up wid resources, there is stuff I don't know. SH3f, 3ds, obj and other formats. I like free but might do real money if I have too.