A Little Positive News Goes A LONG Way!

It's been awhile since we've been on the BSFS site. You know how it is...the day job seemingly takes over your life and doesn't leave much left over for much of anything. My day job is writing and producing films and our latest award-winning effort just launched at the Sundance, Berlin, Pan African, Santa Barbara and (NY) Museum of Modern Art within six weeks of each other. To say it's been a little busy is an understatement!

But then Life has a way of reminding you that 'Hey, buddy, you're a damn good writer of speculative fiction!' just when you most need the encouragement. I had started the third book in what now seems like a really fun series (I'm calling it The Soul Eater Chronicles) several months ago...well before the pressures of film festivals and premieres derailed any hope of fulfilling my goal of a novella every four months! It's been way on the back shelf...well, at least at the bottom of my start page...ever since. A nagging reminder of unfinished business.

Then the other night I was rummaging through all the unopened emails in my various accounts only to discover a message from a contest that I had entered many moons ago, too. To my surprise, I found out that my first novella, MEMOIR OR A TIME YET TO COME, was just named a Top 10 Finalist for the B. Envelope 2014 Writing Fellowship!

Wow! I never saw it coming! But what a validation that maybe, just maybe, I've got a little bit of talent after all! For a writer, having a group other than your closest family and friends tell you something like that is priceless! It's enough to make you clear away the thousand other important items weighing down your In Box, lock the door to your hovel, put on some chill music and ....write.  Write like your life really does depend on it. Write because somewhere out there...somebody thinks you might be good enough.

Thank you @TheBEnvelope! Thank YOU for the kick in the seat of the pants that I needed to get me back to doing the very thing that I have always wanted to do...to be a Writer. And a damn good one!

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