This is a graph I put together rather quickly, by going to the URL for NASDAQ, which I give in the title of it.
For convenient reference: If you choose to duplicate, you will download a CSV file that is 2,520 lines, mine dates from 12/15/2003 - 12/15/2013, a ten-year span; save in Excel. If you do today, it will no doubt be from 1/5/2004 - 1/5/2014. The rest of the effort is just formatting it appropriately.
I placed historical notes and observed what seems this amazing correlation: sales for this particular manufacturer INCREASED after horrific shootings. I'd heard this before on the news, but not actually seen it. It can probably be inferred for other manufacturers that aren't traded publicly, i.e. privately-owned LLCs.
The 114th Congress will come back in session this month, on the heels of the 113th, the least-productive congress in national history. No amount of children slaughtered in the streets of Chicago nor the suburbs of Sandy Hook or Sanford, Florida shall move this political inertia; this legal, lethal lethargy.
This post was motivated by a Facebook lament from a fellow teacher I had the pleasure of serving with at Manor High School - who lamented this Texas Monthly article (following his italicized quote) on emergency response drills, AKA "active shooter" response:
This is what we're choosing as a society: we would rather train our students to live in constant fear in a place where they should feel safest, than even discuss sacrificing a part of one of our liberties for the greater good of our nation.
The article: "Is It Possible to Prepare Teachers and Students For School Shooting Situations Without Traumatizing Them?" by Dan Solomon. Probably not, or about as well as the old "duck-and-cover" drills would have saved us all from nuclear annihilation.
I type this on 18 December, and it posts automatically on 5 January 2014. No, it's not a physics or science-related post. You want science? OK, here's one technology review post link to a science paper on gun control, and Urban Dictionary's humorous blunt-force definition of what might be addling our fellow humans.
If you are shocked by my usage of the Manson embed and Urban's tongue-in-cheek synopsis, please don't be unless the "new normal" as this planet's most violent nation is now normal for you.
Many of our elected representatives love to quote the Bible when it suits their purposes. I'd be interested asking their opinion on this verse:
Because you have said, "We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol ("the grave") we have made a pact. The overwhelming scourge will not reach *us* when it passes by, For we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception." Isaiah 28:15
Step back, and watch the worms squirm in the salt beds of hypocrisy they have made for themselves.
Happy New Year.