Don't know what's going on but in the last two years I heard more and more about Nibiru or Planet-X coming in on it's elliptical orbit, crossing through our solar system and causing various events.1. the tilting of the earth axis or changing of the poles.this brings shifts in magnetic fields, weather changes and catastrophes worldwide.2. visits from aliens who created us or aliens intent on our destruction or enslavement or to help us.....????If this event is eminent, there is no mention in popular media probably due to the panic/anarchy factor. The governments are doing suspicious activities, so I hear, for the preservation of the human species (them that have means cover their butts). Even NASA is quiet ( pictures with few words). Seems all the major ancient cultures talk about this happening hinting of the end of the world. What it all means, I don't know as govs are apt to pull the woolies over our eyes and out-right lie (we find out later). I keep thinking how Hollywood has a good track record of sort of telling the truth in a story. Maybe it's a psychic world mind thing, Maybe it's someone really knows but can't tell us directly (cause they don't really know), they tell the story, we get the message (have suspicions based on dubious evidence). Why are disaster movies the rage these days, where even the heroes are swept away? Escape by airplane is too funny (where are you going to land? low on fuel, pick one, ocean or volcano??)There are some pictures on the net (hopefully not Photoshop augmented). I also heard southern hemisphere folks are more likely to see this Nibiru coming. Some legends say lizard like aliens or gods (why I don't watch "V" on TV).