Two: The cafe
The café is staffed and hosted by server and cook robots that cater and serve humans who have access cards only. Then, a late breaking report flashes on the digital image screens inside the café and outside on the main Washington St. "marauders and rebels and other unknown protesters continue to terrorize and fight against each other and against in a civil war against the federal patrol officers and Incbots that secure the main city streets all over the U.S and the world massive casualties estimate in the thousands, Today we interviewed Officer John Meeks who is the Federal Head Officer and Chief all Operations here in the U.S on Beacon Hill and here’s what he commented on the violent and civil war actions that have been going on since the lockdown law started many years ago “ I’ve been doing this sort of thing for 30 yrs. now, my dad was a federal officer, my granddad was a federal officer before him and so on and so forth, But let me tell all of you rebels, unknowns and low life street scum marauders one thing my job is to uphold the federal lockdown law and the federal government pays me very, very handsomely to keep things the way they are around here”. “I'm RPG 059 reporting for New Boston World News,” the female robot says as she signs off.
The three men curiously stare at the people around the café who use their iPods, laptops and digital holographic image display devices to keep track of and to state updated on current events, they also see non-English speaking people laughing and conversation with English speaking people using portable global language translator or GLT devices."Can I help you gentlemen?” the small frail looking server robot asks startling the three men. "Yeah, I will have just a coffee, I'm not too hungry" Lee responded. "And you sir". "I have some pancakes, eggs and some orange juice, I just love me some orange juice" Mike sarcastically responds. "And you sir". I'll have toast and sausage and black coffee with four sugars, I like my coffee black and sweet just like my woman Gail" Peter replied. The server robot looked at Peter with a puzzled face not getting the meaning. "Black like your woman Gail sir that’s not on the menu" the server robot responded. "Just black coffee with four sugars,” Peter shouted. " Hey Peter calm down, robots do not know anything about being romantic" Lee said. The three men laughed.