Eight: The Protest

The next morning, the people walk the streets overseen by the federal security patrols and the Incbots. But on this morning there is spray painted stenciled writing on the walls of the buildings and on the sidewalks of the city. The writing reads "UPLIFT THE RESTRICTION". The news flashes on the giant video screens in the city and inside the café. "Street violence has occurred close to home in the streets of Boston last night as the federal patrol officers engage in a gunfight against the night people of the street but then some unknown cloaked vigilantes appeared on the scene and joined in the battle against the officers, some of night people were captured but unfortunately the armed cloaked individuals In other news the U.S President is scheduled to return to home to Boston from the World Confederation Summit in China after a 12 day meeting with other world leaders that went no where they all agreed in favor of the Restricted Access I’m RPG 2Y6 reporting for New Boston News" The next morning at the loft. "The access cards are ready for those who need them,” the security robot said. "Good, are you sure these will work?" Lee asked. "Yes, they should work I copied and programmed magnetic strip code from the city's central security system" the robot replied. Let's go back into town and try them out,” Peter said. Gail, Shana, Nicole Lee, Peter and Mike split up and go use their access cards to get into places throughout the town they get in general stores and other that they once could not get into the this time. They pass out printed flyers to passers by in the street urge the citizens to rebel against the lockdown law when the President returns some of the people acknowledge the some of the people take the flyers and put them with their belongs. Some of the rich people who walk the streets reject the flyer offerings. The flyers read, "Stop the civil wars and the street violence Peace Protest against the federal and world restricted access locked down law. Pardon all those who are incarcerated by this law. Let us return to a free world". Nicole, Gail and Shana use the iPods and email there friends in other states to rally here in Boston to protest in front in the main center of city in front of the new Boston Presidential White House.

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