Finally I got a chance to watch After Earth. I have always been a fan of Will Smith movies. To see him and his son Jaden doing something in the area of sci-fi action was awesome. The storyline starts off in this world Nova Prime where humans must fight alien creatures to keep their existence. Military leader Cypher(Will Smith) led his team the Rangers to defeat the Urses. He became a legend in Nova Prime.

His son Katai has not seen his father in years.  Katai feels estranged from his father so the connection is not there. His father Cypher invites his son to go on a mission to create a stronger bond.  A cosmic storm caused the plane to crash. The troops were killed and the only survivors were Katai and Cypher. Seeing his father Cypher injured; Katai saw that he must save father life. His father sent him on a mission to retrieve an item to save both their lives.

In this mission Katai goes through many trials. He is naïve and clueless to the world he is throwed in. His father Cypher guides him through the journey. When he comes across monsters and environmental obstacles; he gets rebellious and bull headed. He gets forced to listen to his father when he gets hurt. In the middle of the movie; his father wanted him to abort the mission and come back to the torn plane ship because he did not have faith in him to finish.

Katai rebelled and forged his destiny to defeat the monster that killed his sister Senshi. He ends up killing the monster and he became a legend in Nova Prime. He exceeded his father expectations and becomes a man. This core story is trusting in your father to guide you into manhood.

I read the reviews from major mainstream websites. It received horrible reviews. The reviews were the plot and characters  were not good. The CGI sucked. I was shocked at the reviews. After Earth in my opinion was a well put together movie. Seeing black actors in lead roles of sci fi action. It inspired me and I could see myself as a black man in that movie. There should be a part 2 to that movie. It would be if black people demand for it to be a part 2

We complain about shows like Empire and Love & Hip Hop. We share Empire on our Facebook timeline. When it comes to After Earth we do not promote it on our timeline. Thank you Black Science Fiction for opening up my eyes to the area of Sci-fi. This film opened my eyes to see why we need to black sci fi. Will and Jada Smith are supporting black science fiction. That should be an eye opener to black people to support this genre. The mainstream is not going to accept us we have accept and support ourselves.

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