Hearing what that Fat sack of festering feces ( Rush Limpburger) burbled on the propaganda network about President Obama and his appearance at the final coming home at Dover AFB of the Afghan War's dead, and thefact that none, zero, nein, there callled him out on it, fills me with a disgust. The mainstream news media allows such hatewhippers as Limperoo to getaway with this by allowing them to mask themselves with "political entertainers." They held themselves shocked with the same froth when Pres. Carter called the nation out for its flareup of racism. Pres. Obama an example of being a centrist politician tried not to give the befouled furtherammunition by being called an angry Black Man by agreeing with Pres. Carter openly. And if he called the backward Dems and the reprehensible Lieberman out on health reform, the backlash would be fevered if he did so forcibly and in public. Those registered "Uncle Toms" inc. Ron Good Colored man Elder, Foureyed Beanhead Ron Christy and that Mikey Rusted Steele, would be screeching how ashamed they are of the President and by the way he's uppity. And let's not forget Armmmy "Weak" Williams that bought off 'ho who didn't gag when he said he counted the King of the Dixiecrats, as his mentor. Vile, Vile, Vile ConstipatedRepoobs Coloreds are vile. We see the content of their character, what ever Boss Moneybags thinks theys sho nuf should be. And if some bloated bag of... slanders the President, well massa got the 'nawledge and I beleef what he say. Bastards.