In college I was introduced to the utopian novel, heard much of hippie communes and investigated several religions and such, ultimately getting stuck in one. The weird thing is that for every serious group, there is a vocabulary. That group of words dictates the context of the reality of that group. Outsiders are separated by not knowing the language and/or not participating in the fellowship using that language. What I mean is you have experiences (mostly normal human experiences) and you describe them in the language of the group. The end effect is that you must use the appropriate language with the appropriate group. Mixing groups and languages is for dissing or promoting the one group to the other group.
Now if you spend any length of time in a focus, using a particular language and describe your world through the defines taught to you, you will find your being has been altered accordingly. Take my word for it, when a startling change comes, it is a struggle to deal with it internally.
The one who knows this experience is the traveller. If you've been to another nation where the culture and language is foreign then you have the alien experience. Now let's shift gears and change realities. Now you know very little experientially. You hope if you go through this door you can come back through. Then can you describe what you experience to yourself because you sure as shoot'n will have a hard time describing it to others.
I haven't been there yet, but I sense it in the back ground, where the times and names mean nothing. I wonder if my sense organs and brain are giving me all that is or a narrow spectrum. I heard one say if I rub my hands together, I am ramping up my chi. I don't want to waste energy, I do want to see energy fly from my hands, not just assume. Power of life, what a thought and yet I've been taught not to consider it or develop it. Power of mind, beyond the meanings in words I've been taught, beyond the reality I learned to sense. OR is what is exactly what it is? Perhaps it is imagination after all.