An Ode to Firsts

This is an Ode to Firsts.

Firsts are as old as the beginning of time. God created the Heaven and the Earth and afterwards He looked over the surface and created Light.  He called the Light Day and the Darkness was called Night, and that was the First day.

Well something a little less majestic are my personal collection of Firsts. They might not be equal to the birth of the earth or the launch of religion, but they will always live in my memory as Firsts.

The First man I ever loved was my father. I loved everything from his natural masculine scent to the way he never missed making Christmas eggnog from scratch.

The First time I every touched a gun. It felt like power, death, control and fear all rolled into one chaotic emotion.  I remember never wanting to touch it again, yet a few years later I joined the service and lugged one around for five years. Funny, how life turns out.

Speaking of the Army, I still get goose bumps recalling the First time I was called “Ma’am” in front of my battalion. The weight of that one syllable word rang like liberty through my body because I knew I had earned the respect of my soldiers.

The First time I looked into my newborn daughter’s eyes subdued my heart. There are no words to describe the miracle of birth. All I can say is its one thing to feel movement inside your belly for months, but another to witness life where there was none.

Unfortunately, there are some First’s that I wish to strike down from my memory, like pushing the delete button on a keyboard. But they too will always remain.

Like the First time someone called me the N word. I was so confused. I looked around wondering who they were talking to before I realized it was me. I should have rained terror down on them, but I was so embarrassed that I was so naive.

On a lighter note, I remember very well the First time I ate chitlins at someone else’s house. This particular First also became a Life Lesson. For those of you who don’t know what chitlins are please Google, but for those of you who do know what they are, you also know that you can’t eat just anybody’s chitlins. I didn’t know that rule until then. That mess in my mouth was so foul… that it immediately became the measure for being disgusting and being disgusted at the same time. And it became a Life Lesson never to be forgotten. “Never eat anybody’s chitlins. I must trust them explicitly before that delicacy ever crosses my lips.”

Please feel free to share your Firsts.

Oh and No Chitlins please, I’ll have a glass of water instead.

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