I highly recommend these books. They were written by members of this site.


Haywards Reach by Thaddeus Howze. From rampaging genetic montrosities to made-to-order planets, Hayward's Reach stretches the limits of our perceptions with stories that will amaze and terrify. Thaddeus' short stories are a captivating mix of science fiction and fantasy with forays into realities that straddles both genres. The quality of the stories truly reveals his creative dexterity in conceiving astounding science and high tech concepts with the same ease he applys to crafting gods, goddesses and sorceress spell casting. Hayward's Reach is a must read, featuring a fresh new voice in science fiction and fantasy.


Moses: The Chronicles of Harriet Tubman by Balogun. This might be the most unique fantasy tale I've ever read. The imagery this story invokes are breathtaking. Here history and fiction intersect in a story liberally spiced with the fantastic. In our world, Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary, courageous woman who spirited a large number of slaves from the literal shackles of bondage. In Balogun's world, her heroism is magnified in relation to the threats she must face. As a gifted, Tubman is blessed with super human abilites which she uses for good. The villians she battles are also gifted and not at all averse to using their powers for evil. I felt a tremendous sense of being left hanging when this story ended. Fortunately Book Two is on the way, although I don't know if I can wait that long.


There you have it, folks. Two books, two sets of quality reading!     

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