I'm a brother on some quiet Batman Sh@t!
Bat Wing character courtesy of DC Comics
I will call 911 on you on the low to preserve discreet information gathering or directly act if the situation is too hot to wait for police to arrive.
This is the new Black male citizenship paradigm I ( and others ) practice and promote. It's the antidote to thug addiction intravenously pumped into brothers minds by adults and (un) popular culture. I know jails are overcrowded but so are morgues with chocolate klansmen's only gift tot he community!
My contribution to our embattled community is a brother they can trust to advise them on safety and the long hard grind called seeking success without being a criminal.
When it comes to glacial police/community relations here in New Orleans and nationally the logical question is, " can brothers who are against crime help NOPD? "
" Yes " in theory.
" Maybe " in application.
Black men commit most of our street crime. Reasonable observers would gather that uniting police and Black men opposing street crime is a no-brainer.
Not quite.
I have relationships with officers as do other anti crime brothers. Such scattered informal associations aside there is no formal coalition specifically uniting Black men with the police ( my Brothers & Badges Together model comes to mind, hint hint lol ). http://moveonup.ning.com/profiles/blogs/brothers-badges-together
Again, most New Orleans street crime is a majority Black male affair. Getting Black men and cops on the same team isn't a " racist " response- it's realist.
Either we as a society see Black men as more than suspects ( unless employed by law enforcement agencies, etc ) or we don't.
Keeping anti crime brothers at arms length makes them wonder if liberal accusations about police being eternally biased are true?
I'd like to see Black male/police relations evolve to resemble a real world version of what Adam West's Batman enjoyed on his famed TV show.
It's a looong shot but worth the work I and others in this chocolate Klansmen era are making because there is no other decent choice!
All we have is the public safety miracle of all time waiting in the wings if we pull this off!
Same Black-Time! Same Black Channel!
nadracaptblack@gmail is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.