Changa's Safari, Volume 2

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

CHANGA'S SAFARI, Volume 2, by Milton Davis

Once again, Milt Davis has scored a homerun with Changa's Safari, Volume 2. The novel opens with a quiet and subtle start, a sea voyage to a peaceful island to return a young beauty to the place where she belongs. Then it builds from there into a true "ripping yarn"  worthy of Sabatini and Dumas. Davis takes us into realms of intrigue and betrayal, battles royale, demons and djinn. Changa's courage, his skill in battle, his honesty and loyalty, and above all, his humanity, will make you want to sign aboard and sail with him to Hell and beyond. And rest assured, you'll enjoy the safari there and back again.This is historical fantasy, with lean yet elegant prose, and characters that live and breathe --- characters that are real. The dialogue rings true, and each character has his/her own distinct voice. Davis' sense and sensitivity of character, and his sensitivity to his characters brings humor, drama, poignancy, and pathos to this novel. This is sword and soul adventure on the high seas, swords and sorcery in legendary cities and kingdoms, with plenty of derring-do, romance, and magic. As I said about Volume 1 --- I urge you to read this one. You'll enjoy it. I guarantee it.
Order it today from
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