What is Character Profiles? Character Profiles are descriptive details used to describe your character such physical characteristics; family background and history; Likes and Dislikes; Goals and Motivation. The question ask by a beginning writer is " Why The Details?

        Why do I have to go through such great lengths to describe this character? A paragraph or two will just do it. I can type it in Microsoft Word and get it over with. That is what I thought until I came upon the software Celtx.

            The Celtx version of doing character profiles is a challenge for beginning writers.   This software demands details  about your character that Microsoft Word does not.  Celtx break your character into different categories so they can appear more three dimensional. Check out this article on 2D vs 3D characters.

          The thing I had trouble with is my Kollege Kids characters were two dimensional if you read the article. The Celtx version  of doing character profiles has challenged me to make these characters more three dimensional. It is time consuming and  you will have several writer block when doing character profiles in Celtx. However it is worth it.  Your character has depth to them and is more believable to your intended audience.  Invest time in your character profiles so you can know what type of story to tell with the characters you created. That is the reason why you need the details.

Be on the lookout for Part 2 of Character Profiles; Why the Details?

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