If you are looking at this picture and wondering what the hell is this; these are my transportation graphics dealing with airplanes, boats, bus, compact cars, ships, semi trucks,etc. Since I am a graphic designer and working on an animation show; I need my graphics to do these things. I have a total of 133 transportation graphics and I pile it up in one folder called VEHICLE EXT.
Looking at this was a nightmare because it was so unorganized and all over the place. How am I going to quickly find what I am looking for? The method I used was pile and find method.. I piled my items in one group and typed keywords to help me find what I was looking for. I did this method for years until I realized I am working with a team of professionals critiquing my organization skills. I realized time will not be on my side when I do professional work for clients.
I read several article that talks about how amateurs are poor when it comes to file organization. They gave me insight how to file organize the professional way. The Pile and Find method is the way I used for a while. This picture is an example of the Pile and Find method. The method I am implementing is Category and Quick Access. I will explain that in the next blog. Don't let your files pile up on you. Start organizing your files ASAP.