For all you Steampunk or Historical Fiction writers, check out the BBC series "COPPER". Set during Civil War era New York City in the 'Five Points District', Copper deals with an Irish American Union Veteran turned detective. Copper delivers a surprisingly unflinching look at the time as Detective Kevin Corcoran takes extraordinary steps to find the real causes of murders in the '5 Points'.
Copper has a similarly gritty feel as 'Deadwood' with the depiction of the absolute squalor of the 5 Points coexists with the opulence of 5th Avenue. Among the characters are Corcoran's blood-thirsty henchmen, a conniving wealthy ally from his Civil War days and a surprising Black American Doctor named Matthew Freeman.
Woven amidst the main characters are whores, socialites, greedy politicians and crooked policemen. The show is well done and its characters drive the plot. Every action has a reaction and vice versa. There are plenty of surprises and the pacing of the show is well measured. It is intended for mature audiences due to graphic violence, some harsh language and sexual situations. If you're looking to get the feel for writing during this particular era, Copper is a very good reference.
Here's a link to 'Behind the Badge' a behind the scenes look at the show. It's about 24 minutes long, but worth the watch. Pick the 'Free User' button to watch. If using Firefox or Chrome and you want to get rid of the ads, download the 'AdPro' plug-in from either browser's website add-ons.