cosmic barn

from a distance the crop circles mesmerized and defused comment, a trail of perfect orbits leading to a pond that spanned the horizon from my perspective. A globe suspended in perfection I thought, was a reflection in the pond, also a circle. Stepping to the rim a path raised on the surface of the waters, but not enough to touch the night air or disturb mirrored stars. Dome of glass or foil, mylar or stone polished so smooth. I reached to touch and a slit in it's surface welcomed me. Cosmic barn I thought, a cave of wonders, mind ship. The moon rippled and the sky torn like bad reception on an old TV. Rusted and twisted metal, the smell of decaying wood and rust. Circles repeated of the dusty floor, like the ones in the field. The floor sunk below me wonder and terror filled my already rattled spine. Display screens, a circular wall, seamless and thought driven. Focus, I saw my street, my house, the horizon, the edge of the galaxy, the dome of heaven. My heart beat so hard, it echoed in the air I swallowed, I thought I ate something. My heart appeared on the screen and soothing sounds until I became calm. Done with this I thought. Something changed as I made my way back into the fields, like the subtle air of warmth ripples around things, shadows have transparent halos, living things glow, glisten, even sparkle. The stars are familiar like places I've been and people are each a universe unexplored.

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