Cypher Team i01 Reactivation Commence

I wanted to add another story. After this one I will add Enter Cypher Team i02 to continue with the little bit of SoveReign. I hope the stories are enjoyed. This is them before script mode and I hope it gives a bit of idea of the direction I am taking things. All constructive critiques are encouraged and accepted. Thanks BSFS Fam!

Cypher Team i01 ©2009-2015

Reactivation Commence!

“Kishu no arashi sutairu: Raitoninguurufu.” Static unleashed into the atmosphere as energy left her finger tips. The dry crackle of electricity caught the interest of zenith and humans in Reaper suits as they looked her way.

She stood ready, in a lowered stance as she held her wakizashi in her right hand with it placed snuggly to her back, the hilt at the small of it as the blade stretched up the middle. Her left hand, the firing hand, faced the group fingers outstretched as a ball of current formed itself into visibility. A howl, not that dissimilar from a wolf, echoed through the area.

“Korosu,” she spoke as the energy discharged heading to its destination, the electricity took the form of a wolf as it hit the ground running. Its electrical tendrils spread out touching the first wave as it ran through the middle of the masses, stunning those in its path. Combating zenith and humans in range felt the static as it caused the hairs on their bodies to stand and then, it sent a shock through their bodies causing their muscles to spasm as they shook uncontrollably. Those out of range that were untouched turned their attention towards the kunoichi, totally forgetting the fact that in the beginning they had been fighting one another.

Cautiously they tip-toed their approach towards her, which caused her to repeat the same words she had spoken before. Jagged lines of electricity, again, began to arc at her finger tips as another ball of current began to build up in the palm of her outstretched hand. “That wouldn’t be the smartest move, for any of you.”

“Lt. Reign!” The Madame's southern accent blasted through the sky as Sanjera suddenly became surrounded by the rest of her team. Col. Reign hit the ground his fist charged with a glowing aqua colored energy, his face sneered as he looked on to the mob that had now set their sights on his cousin who was more than ready for the challenge.

Alchemy and PyreBlade followed suit, Alchemy’s arms were changed over to two largely built and extremely sharp blades. Her husband had ignited his bastard sword, the blade glowing red and orange as flames licked out at the sky.

“I thought I said no casualties?” The Madame asked, hovering above the group as she looked down at Galisto.

“There are none Madame. That was just a stunning bolt. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t have been able to say the same for these fools,” she gestured to the oncoming group. 

“Well, you started it Lieutenant.” Alchemy spoke to Sanjera, pure distaste in her voice. It was obvious that Alchemy didn’t have any type of positive feelings for the girl. The reason for that was, she wanted to be the infiltrator but, Sanjera had beaten her for the position which stuck her as back-up. 

“Be as it may,” Sanjera calmly spoke, turning her attention to Alchemy, “Your’ LZ is clear.”

Alchemy smirked; she had no choice but to show some type of smile. The girl was right, her offensive attack did clear the LZ and that was what they needed. She turned her attention back to her husband dropping the half assed smile as she whispered to him, her British accent coming forth even stronger with her anger. “How the bloody hell was she able to do that, I thought she didn’t have any powers.”

Elias snickered a bit over hearing Alchemy ask PyreBlade something he couldn’t have possibly known the answer to. He answered for him, scaring Alchemy a bit since she had no idea he’d heard her. “You’re right, she doesn’t have powers but she has done something all humans are capable of. She has managed to gain control over her inner chi energy…there is no Zenith gene anywhere in her DNA. The techniques she uses are family traits, something she is only capable of, since she is the last one left.”

“Colonel, I apologize…I wasn’t trying to…I know she’s your cousin.”

“No worries Captain…just be glad she doesn’t care…because I’m sure she heard you.” He grinned.

“Let’s cut the chit-chat Lions. I was hoping to thwart this with words…but, it doesn’t look like that’s going to be an option.” The Madame spoke pointing to the mob as they gained more steps towards them. “All attentions on us now. If you don’t have to kill them, please don’t…Sanjera!”

“Roger that Madame…I’ll set my wakizashi to stun.” She joked, the rest of the group laughed with her gag. Even the Madame had to laugh, it wasn’t too often she said something funny.

“Smart ass.” The Madame cackled, “Get in your teams. Move out and remember to keep an eye out for the Angels of Anarchy, they would love to get into this.”

The team broke apart moving into the masses as the masses emerged their way. The Phenosapiens they were up against weren’t that strong and for the Team getting them to stop or stopping them forcefully would be easier than most would think. 

The Team is composed of five level 5 members. One zenith, Colonel Reign. Three who use magic as the source of their powers; Alchemy whose family was enchanted, Pyreblade who married into that family and The Madame who got her powers from a gem she found in the amazon on an excavation. Finally, there was Sanjera, the kunoichi. Who was just, good...damn good. They all were mastered in their gifts, and excelled in what they did. This Team was the leading team of the Black Lions, the “A” team if you will. If they were sent in, there was obviously more to worry about than the bout between the lowly leveled phenosapiens and P.O.M.

Which is why they watched while they fought, and why The Madame warned before they set off into their frenzy. The real worry was the group known as the Angels of Anarchy. A team that was once on the same side as T.E.M.P.L.E. They weren’t lions, but they were in the conglomerate, one of the first Zenith hero teams formed.

Unfortunately, they weren’t on the side of good anymore, well not the side that most would consider good. Their idea of what was right and what was wrong was now tainted. Blurred together in the design of rage. A rage that was set about some time ago when an Elementary school, filled with phenosapien and human children of workers in T.E.M.P.L.E, was blown up by the Protectors of Mankind.

That day, the Angels of Anarchy made a decision that they felt was right. To them the war between mankind and zenith would never end, it would only get worse. Zenith needed to be protected by someone who would go past the morality line, they needed angels, avengers. That day, the Angels of Anarchy became the avenging angels they felt their people needed.

If any, this was the perfect time for them to drop in. They had P.O.M and Zenith that they felt had sold out, all in one area.

The Madame grit her teeth as she looked down through the crowd, picking up a couple of people as she held them in place with her mind. She’d found a metal rod, long and strong enough to wrap around the small group and she did just that. 

“Bunt edges!” she yelled at Alchemy, causing the silver colored woman to role her eyes.

“Bunt edges...” she mumbled mockingly, displeased as she turned her blades into rods looking similar to extractable batons.

Sanjera continued, shocking and tasing those that she came across. Easily knocking them out as she continued her non-lethal approach. Elias followed suit but, instead of electrocuting he used is energy as a concussion grenade, disorienting those in range as he fired at the ground. 

“This is’s not non-lethal.” Pyreblade growled, swinging on a human in a reaper suit with the flat side of his bastard sword, flames no longer ignited on it.

The reaper fell to one knee, his suit sparking as he looked up to Pyreblade. Pyreblade looked down at him his teeth gnashed as he told him to stay down. The reaper didn’t listen and instead got back up.

“Come on man!” he yelled as he watched the reaper come back to his feet.

Pyreblade shook his head as he let his free hand ignite with flames. There was only one way this guy was going to stay down and using the flat side of his sword wasn’t going to do it.

“You asked for it.” He spoke as he held his hand out to the reaper only to see him quickly fall back to his knees, two silver rods on each side of his neck.

“Bunt edges!” Alchemy yelled her accent flaring but flirty and with a wink she smiled at her husband.

Pyreblade pointed to his sword, “Bunt edges my ass. How about I just get back in the Manta?”

Alchemy laughed at him as she began to walk towards him, “Now what are you gonna do there love.” She turned one of the rods back into her hand as she placed it to his chest. 

She looked up at him and smiled, “You’re not gonna let me have all the fun, are you?” In the background the roar of a wild cat filled the air causing an uncomfortable feeling to creep up their spine. The two of them stopped talking and looked around. “What the hell was that?” PyreBlade asked as he looked back to his wife, only to hear the roar again. This time closer as the two of them were pushed off their feet and some yards back.

They both hit the ground and slid farther as the silhouette of a woman with a tail appeared where they were and quickly disappeared. The Madame had eyes on and was scanning the area as she saw the woman leap into the air just as fast as she had moved from the previous point. Her body was covered in spots that resembled the pattern of a cheetah. However, they changed over quickly, disappearing as the fur that coated her physique changed to a golden color, the tip of her tail gained a bit of hair as she began to look more similar to a female lion than the cheetah she was.

“Feline!” The Madame gasped. “Get out of there, now!” she yelled to Pyreblade and Alchemy as the cat like zenith appeared, her fist driving into the ground as she dropped in where the two were laying. The force of the punch caused the ground to crater open sending asphalt flying through the air.

“Sanjera, go back up those two!” The Madame directed.

“On it!” She responded, disappearing with lightning speed as she headed towards the corporate The Madame had called, Feline.

The Madame looked at Sanjera and quickly lost track of her as she sped off and then she cast her attention to Elias. “How the hell did she do that, didn’t you say she didn’t have pheno genes.”

Elias laughed, “That I did. I’ll check her DNA again.”

In the distance a rush of wind sounded through the air causing The Madame to look over in its direction. The gust came from the side where the majority of P.O.M were, the area where Sanjera dropped in. She watched as Reapers made their way to another woman who was slowing walking towards them.

The woman walked calmly as she approached. White leather wrapped her body, the tails of her trench coat danced behind her. Her stride was model like as The General watched. The woman stopped as the reapers continued their pursuit and slowly she began to take a deep breath.

The men closer to her began to drop like flies as cars in their area and other objects began to crumble and crush like tin cans. Windows in the buildings around the woman began to shatter as she continued to breath in, causing the structures to slowly fragment in on themselves as bricks chipped away. She was sucking the air particles out of everything. As The Madame watched, her expression changed to worry.

“Breather.” She whispered.

“Who?!” Elias asked, hearing the name she spoke but astonished that, that name was even spoken.

“Everyone!” The Maddam yelled, speaking to humans and zenith alike. “Get out of the area, NOW!”

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