Cypher Team i02 Angels of Anarchy

This would be the third installment. Here's the short story, again before turning script. What do you all think? Read, if you have the time, and give some pointers or advice. It would be greatly appreciated!

Cypher Team i02 (c) 2009-2015
Angels of Anarchy

Transparent daggers exploded outward, tossing themselves from the pane of transoms placed along each cascading tower. They rained from the heavens, crashing to the earth as they either shattered on entry or pierced through the bodies of Reapers who had already lay, lifeless on the ground.

Buildings continued to buckle as bricks and concrete chipped away, imploding into dust. The twisting of metal screeched though the eerily quiet air. All that sounded was the high pitched wail of the atmosphere being drawn into the lungs of the woman who had made her presence known. Even the ambient noise of animals and city alike paled in the depths of its key.

In the midst of it all, a stream began to fall into visibility siphoning between the woman's lips and into her mouth as she continued. Cars in her vicinity crumbled like soda cans and so did everything else in the locale as the area of about 50 yards crushed in on its self.

As the cyclone continued to spiral The Madame cut her eyes back into the direction of Breather. She and Elias had gotten everyone that they could out of the area. Surely though, this mission was no longer about stopping the riot but stopping the two woman who had caused so much damage in their wake. If anything, The Madame knew that the two weren’t alone, she also knew that to pull the rest of the team out she would need to send in some strength.

She cast her eyes onto Elias as he stood strong, feet planted as his hair and clothing pulled into the direction of the vortex. He looked back at her, catching her in her gaze. He rolled his eyes.

“Elias!” She yelled over the howl of the makeshift sound of a freight train. “GO!”

“On it,” he gritted as he dug his boots into the ground launching himself into the woman's direction.

He hit the earth, exploding into it as asphalt flew into the sky and instantly flew into Breathers direction disintegrating. His trench coat flowed even heavier into Breathers direction. He was in the safe zone however, just outside of her radius, so, he was keeping the air in his lungs this day.

“Damn it, I’m always the one getting beat on.” He bellowed to himself.

Breather looked at him and stopped her inhalation. She squinted at him letting her lips pucker a bit. The two had a past, a deep past and it went as far back to TEMPLE High where they went to school with one another. To keep it short we’ll just say, she had the hots for him but, he had the hots for a blue-skinned, sassy, ice throwing Puerto Rican who now, he was married to.

Breather licked her lips and then winked at him, sure that he remembered what her lips taste like. He gulped readying in wonder as he planted his feet even more into the hole, the taste of her lips farthest from his mind. She however, reached up placing an open hand to her puckered lips. Behind her hand and before her lips a bluish colored ray of light began to emerge, bursting out like a mini supernova flickering out of existence. She pointed her finger tips towards him and blew causing a tight spiral of blue energy to leave her mouth as she released all the air she had sucked in, compressed into a stronger air flow. Slowly she opened her mouth letting the rest of it follow in a more heavier blast.

A cascade of various shades of the color painted the masses as the beam of energy sped his way.

“Fuck.” He sighed shaking his head in angst as he crossed his arms in front of himself, forming an “X,” to take the impact. “She sure as hell isn’t holding back this time. Fine then, neither will I.”

He grimaced as the energy hit him, waves and waves of stronger bolts beat against him like rough ocean tides crashing into a rocky cliff. Each pulse pushed him back farther, causing him to plow deeper into the already demolished inner city street. However, he did manage to find the inner strength to hold on against her massive assault.

The blue flood of condensed air stopped abruptly, leaving trickles of its former trailing behind it. Breather closed her mouth and looked on to Elias who now had black smoke coming from him. His uniform tattered from her onslaught. She smiled, never speaking a word as he breathed heavily.

She turned to walk away from him as he stepped out of the hole that was dug. “Where are you going Breather? You know this is far from over.”

She turned to him, frowning.

Elias grinned, looking up to her, “You know what happens next right or did you forget?”

As the words left his mouth his hands began to glow in an aqua hue, gradually brightening as it spiraled around his arms forming itself into a larger buildup. Two clenched fists raised into her direction as sweat rolled down his face and with a sharp thunderous echo his very own energy left him, moving faster than her own as it crackled through the air, sounding as though it had broken the sound barrier as it ripped the ground apart under its slipstream.

Her eyes widened as the rampaging blast bolted her way. Her body shifted tones, matching the color of the energy as it got closer.

She was familiar with his power but never had she seen it on this level. The last she had seen him he had an extremely low absorption limit and that, she thought, was broken when she attacked him. Obviously, the previous information was wrong or he was hiding his true level the whole time. She attempted to blocked it, cowering back as her hands went up and then.

Nothing, no force, no rush...just emptiness, as though nothing was there. She opened her eyes to see that the energy had dissipated, leaving no aftermath. What the hell, she thought to herself. Maybe he wasn’t as strong as he thought...maybe the energy didn’t quite make it. Then again, there was the other reason. She looked into his direction as she noticed him starring off, looking above her, his expression shocked and a bit hurt as he gazed on.

She followed his stare, she knew what it was.

“Mona?” He whispered.

“It’s Tarot.” The Madame followed, landing behind him.

“I can see that Sara....I thought she was...”

“Obviously not.” The Madame interrupted, looking on to her former friend and teammate as she stood on the building looking down to them.

Mona, or Tarot which was the name she chose to go by, wore a long black dress. Nothing fancy really, just enough to help the imagination. Her lips were also coated in black, her eyes in black mascara. Finishing with jet black hair accenting her bronze flawless skin.

In all aspects of a woman, she was beautiful. Most people however thought that she obtained her beauty from her magical background. Her home country of Mexico spoke that she was the strongest “brujah” around. She however, didn’t feel the same, modesty being her persona. Which may have been why Elias and Sara were so set in awe to see her on the side of The Angels of Anarchy? It just didn’t fit her.

She sighed, standing on top of the ruined building as she twirled a card between her fingers tips. The Fool, is what it read.

“Breather, are you okay?” She asked, turning her attention to the woman in white. Her English perfect and her accent sexy, sure to make any mens attention rise.

Breather shook her head yes, still not speaking as she flew towards Tarot landing beside her, both of them now looking down to the two Lions.

“Damn it, we are not gonna beat them if Tarot is there. You know what she can do.” Elias spoke, turning his attention to The Madame.

“Yea, I know. This isn’t good, at all.” She answered.


Feline looked over her shoulder, eyes in instinct as she caught the view of the blast from the other fight. Claws extended, she anticipated the next attack from her own opponents as her lightly layered fur began to show strips fading to black from the solid blondish brown.

“Hmm...” she purred, turning back to the Alchemy and Pyreblade. “Looks like someones getting their asses kicked.” She taunted in song.

Alchemy sucked her teeth to the comment, she saw the blast too and knew, full well, who it belonged to. “Check you’re stats again kitty...that blast was from the Colonel. That bloody harlot is going down, I can assure it.”

“Maybe...but what can be said about you two,” she snarled her fangs flashing under the sun.

“Bunt edges away?” Jordan asked, looking to his wife.

“Bunt edges away babe.”

Jordan sighed as a smile crossed his face, “Don’t have to tell me twice,” he spoke as he quickly tossed his blade from his right hand to his left, handling it to where the sharpened side faced the sky. He followed crouching down as his left foot extended forward, his sword pointed in the direction of Feline, his right hand to the end of the hilt.

A medium orange light bathed in his eyes as red clashed within it. For the first time since leaving the heli-jet he allowed his blade to engulf itself in the flames that were him. With a spiraling burst it erupted, feeding on the air as the blaze reached out, stretching as though they had slept for a millennia. The inferno crept up the weapon until finally finding the tip. He looked at it, smiling.

“Rise and shine sleepy head.” He spoke to his broadsword. “It’s feeding time.”

Alchemy looked to her husband seeing the pure want for violence on his face. It turned her on a bit, seeing him in his stance, nearly engulfed in flames as he stood in wait, intent on his charge. She smiled, thinking about later.

“Show off,” she joked as her arms took on its mercury form, stretching out in its liquid state as they morphed into two largely built katanas.

“Love, do you mind making me hot?” she asked looking over to her husband. He looked back grinning.

“Right now?”


“Of course not.” He answered leaving his stance. He kept his sword ablaze as he switched it back to his right hand and laid it across his shoulder. The flames bothering him none. He set his left hand ablaze pointing it towards his wife.

She stood, waiting as he sent flames out towards her. They licked away at her mercury skin as she mentally began to harden her liquefied form. The gray of her skin started to turn a piercing red as she took on the look of molten steel pulled straight from extremely hot fire.

“Thanks love.” She said as her blades produced their very own flames. Her body sheering as the quicksilver on her coursed, looking alive as it flowed over her body, shining red like embers and as hot as hell. Her eyes piercing the same.

“You’re welcome. Now, back to her.” Pyreblade spoke as he got back in his stance.

Feline snickered, “Ready now? Lets play,” she growled phasing from site.

“Dammit!” Alchemy yelled as the tiger patterned woman blended into her surrounds.

“Relax, she can’t stay hidden the whole time. How many cats does that make now anyway?”

“Three. Cheetah, Lion and now Tiger. Each one has a different skill.” She breathed looking around anticipating. “We can’t let her get close to us.”

Pyreblade nodded as he raised his engulfed blade into the sky. In sheer force he jolted it back to the earth, stabbing it as flames erupted from it and out, encompassing the two in a blaze set ring.

“Not what I was thinking because now...we’re trapped.”

“Exactly,” the tigresses voice echoed in laughter. She was in the circle with them and with no where to run, she began her assault. Phasing back into existence as the stripes faded into spots. A still of her self stood in place as she bolted towards the two, moving at speeds to where it seemed she hadn’t moved at all.

Alchemy watched as best she could as again she was knocked from her feet. Instantly, Pyreblade swung his sword into the direction of where his wife stood, hoping to catch Feline from behind since the woman had slowed down a bit when she met Alchemy. To his dismay she had anticipated his attack and flipped backward over the blade and into his direction not completing the full flip. Time seemed to slow down as she twisted in the air to face him. The stained dye of black vanished from her face as the smaller spots grew in size looking more Jaguar.

She landed to the ground on all fours, looking up to him as she roared. He attempted again, to finally hit her, only to have her dodge each attack and with the dodge she’d land a devastating blow, knocking him back as she used feet and clawed hands, scrapping about in a capoiera style of fighting.

Alchemy found herself, standing back to her feet as she charged the woman from behind. Bladed arms raised mid body as she ran into her direction attempting to thrust them through her. Feline sensed her and flipped forward knocking the weapons away with her right foot and hitting Alchemy’s chin with her left causing the woman to moan out in pain as she was stopped in her tracks and lifted off the ground.

Feline finished bringing her heels to the back of Pyreblade’s head sending him face first into the concrete.

“Is that it?” She asked, looking to her prey, laughing at the two as they lay, stricken on the ground.

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