Dark Edge Fantasy



 Growing up on characters that represented high adventure
was a constant thing that inspired me as an artist and
gave me extreme satisfaction in a cool entertaining way.
 Now, with the prominence of Sword and Soul literature, I just
had to come up with a logo to connect my brand or
imprint of the genre, which I deeply love. Of course,
 I think of this as the official but unofficial logo for Sword 
and Soul, and definitely for all my titles that deal with sorcery
like my flagship heroine - Little Miss Strange or Kotas, the
Dragon who is featured in Immortal Fantasy, a pet project
that became my own version of Heavy Metal magazine.
 Upcoming heroes will carry this logo on the back of their books 
to let people know that Blakelyworks Studio is doing its
best to promote the growing genre of Sword and Soul.
After completing the assignment of Leopard's Moon-
Illustrated Tales of Sword and Soul, its only fitting
that this movement should be the next step for my
self-publishing ventures in all graphic forms that 
would fall under this premiere logo.  I hope that all will 
enjoy this upward endeavor and remember that a 
new shade of adventure awaits.    
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