Our beloved comic book culture, as fans and for some. superhero theme activists, was used as a back drop to commit mass murder inside an Aurora Colorado movie premier of ” the Dark Knight Rises. “

Americans and world citizens who love this medium should look deeply into unfolding events and resolve to use one of its core values, individual vigilance to enhance public safety, to help people better secure what’s always been society’s soft under belly: theaters; malls; stores, eateries, etc.

Members of what media calls ” the real life superhero ( RLSH ) ” now have a golden opportunity to put aside petty squabbles in the face of a masked assault embodying the worst villainy of fact and fiction. Their use of superhero imagery can assume new seriousness in wake of this tragedy.

The Free World is being tested these days. From domestic crime to foreign terrorism free people are being battered by angry dissidents and worse. Those who enjoy comic books unbridled freedom and the few who even take this to the streets should unite to pump new life into tired appeals about being vigilant in public.

Whether this shooter is a loner or part of a plot our beloved comic book culture nonetheless has preached awareness against sudden evil from its inception. We ( meaning fans and activists ) shouldn’t go spastic and stage embarrassing fan boy pr exercises or misguided vigilantism as clumsy attempts to calm a frightened populace.

Using our beloved comic book culture as fans and activists to creatively high light the need for real life vigilance will be more than enough.

Our fictional heroes and heroines once again have shown us the way.

Whether we use their example to make horrible facts like this movie massacre history remains to be seen.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims; their families and nations wondering if anywhere is safe anymore?

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention. (504) 214-3082. nadracaptblack@gmail is where Pay Pal donations can be sent to assist my citizen patrol efforts which support civic duty and due process.


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