Posted by Geoff Thorne on October 7, 2009 at 10:12am
Hi, Folks. Geoff here. I'm the writer half of Genre 19. Todd, like all illustrators in comics, does the real heavy lifting by drawing the wacky stuff I put in the scripts. We thought, since the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is about to, well, be announced, that it might be fun, at least on this blog, to talk about how the comic book, PRODIGAL: EGG OF FIRST LIGHT came to be.This won't be a discussion about Story or Plot or Character; there won't be any spoilers for the book (because that will come later, when we start releasing pages from the first issue).It's just that so many people ask us about the nuts and bolts of creating a comic and, since we're not household names and don't have the giant machinery of the Big Two or the Slightly Smaller Three behind us, smoothing things over (though we do love our publishers at APE. They work hard for the money, just as we do), we thought it wouldn't be bad to talk about some of the Hows and Whys of making. At least as far as our process, which is not the same as those of others. What we do, how we do it, may work for you; it may not. We hope some of the bumpier aspects of how we got this thing going will at least help those of you who might think making a comic book is impossible to stop thinking that and get on with telling your own tales. There's room for everybody, right? We think so.So, I'm Geoff; I'll be your captain for this flight. Our co-pilot is the lovely and talented Todd. He mostly will sit around looking pretty unless there's some drawing to do, at which point I will sit around looking slightly less pretty until the drawing talk is done. Questions are welcome but there are no guarantees on the answers having any value. We do have a plane to fly.There will be refreshments coming once we hit cruising altitude. You all know where the exits are, of course, so, in case of turbulence, you know what to do.We're just completeing our pre-flight instrument check. once it's done, we'll take off. Until then, feel free to watch the video. Courtesy of this airline and the good folks at