East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention (2009)

Just came back from Philly, from attending the only Black comic book convention in the US. It was awesome! Lions.12 did really good. I brought 40 comics with me and came back with five. It was smaller than most the cons I've been to, but I could feel the love. I got to see a awesome brother in the lord and ccas member there. Mark I had a good time brother. And I also got to meet Reggie Byers creator of Kidz of the King. Isay the greatest highlight if the trip was getting to minister to a boy who though the bible was something funny, until he read my comicbook.P.S: gOT TO TRY MY FIRST pHILLY CHEESE STAKE FROM pHILLY AND IT WAS AWESOME. BEST THING EVER. I AM LITERALLY STILL THINKING ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW.
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