EmoPulse Smile, Best Smartwatch So Far
EmoPulse Smile, the best smartwatch we have seen so far, hits Indiegogo in search of crowd funding. Showcasing the capabilities of its incredible (if true) Artificial Intelligence algorithm, the EmoPulse Smile could very well be the first truly “Smart” watch.
“Best Smartwatch So Far” … That is a pretty big claim so early in the development of this latest wearable computing device to appear on the popular crowdfunding springboard Indiegogo. However, if this smartwatch actually gets built with the specifications and features boasted of in its online venture capital grab, then it is a moniker earned. Although the wearable computing/smart device industry is in its infancy, most shipping products have achieved the the ability to “compute” but have fallen far short of being considered “smart”. The EmoPulse Smile intends to change that. Incorporating an impressive battery of predictive Artificial Intelligence features, the Smile smartwatch intends to cater to the needs of its users before being asked to do so, obviating the need for a complicated user interface.
EmoPulse claims that the Smile smartwatch will learn your likes and dislikes and offer suggestions based upon your personal tastes. It will also gather user data via emo-sensors to enhance the self-learning process, making it an invaluable virtual assistant that never leaves your wrist. And, by integrating a sophisticated speech recognition and generation system, the EmoPulse Smile accomplishes voice commanded tasks without the need for traditional physical user input … generally, a cumbersome task on diminutive wearable computing devices. We would very much like to see a demonstration video of the AI in action to get a true feel for its personality and predictive capabilities.

EmoPulse Smile Smartwatch
The EmoPulse Smile will be available in either black or white, and in various sizes to accomodate men, women, and extremely well taken care of children. Sporting the latest OMAP 5 processor, the watch will allow for desktop quality gaming and up to three simultaneous streams of HD video … wow. With an integrated 128 GB or 256 GB of storage, USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt ports will be provided for high-speed data transfers, a welcome first for any wearable computing device.
Power is claimed to last 7 days on a full charge, an impressive feat considering the need for constant charging has typically been the achilles heel of processor rich smartwatches to this point. However, the girth of this device should provide ample room within which to stuff enough battery to satisfy that claim. An integrated 4G communications radio will allow the Smile to function as an extension of the user’s smartphone or as an independent stand-alone watch phone … a nice feature for when inconvenience precludes packing your cell. Another nice feature, especially for audiophiles, is the ability to stream uncompressed CD quality sound over bluetooth via PurePath technology, a boon for those of us that find typical compressed mp3s shrill, dry, and irritating.
Here is where it gets spicy: the entry price for all of this ultra-cool technology … $480. While not a lot considering what the EmoPulse Smile delivers, it is absolutely the most expensive smartwatch to date. It will be interesting to see how consumers respond as that price-point has yet to be tested. Nonetheless, if the watch can do all that it claims, we would gladly drop 5 bills to capture such cutting edge tech.

EmoPulse Smile Smartwatch
Problems with the campaign … the price for 128 GB version is listed as $480 in the title, and $380 in the article body. Obviously, one of these is wrong and, unfortunately, it is likely the latter. In addition, storage capacity is listed in Gb (gigabits) on Indiegogo and not the standard GB (gigbytes). We assume this is simply a transcription error. However, if it isn’t, divide the 128 or 256 by 8 to determine the true capacity. Hopefully, these listing issues will be realized and resolved by the time you read this article.
If this watch achieves its funding goals (which we hope it does) and comes to fruition, it could very well be the first truly revolutionary product to emerge from the fledgling wearable computing developer community. A smartwatch that is actually “smart” and not simply capable of data input and retrieval is exactly what consumers are waiting for and expect from the next generation of wearable technology. Can EmoPulse fullfill those expectations? We hope so. However, the company, while based in the United States, is a complete unknown and has yet to create and ship a product. Accordingly, they have no past upon which to base an experiential opinion. So, all we can say at this point is good luck on your project … we’ll be watching!