Sweethome3d is bitter sweet. The one company makes two dark skinned characters that are stiff compared to an assortment of light skinned characters. An after thought, perhaps. Reminds me of my art class days, I was the model for the day and it took three tries and the teacher cursing before cartoonish me gave way to realistic me. Thus we have to present ourselves in digital space ourselves as ourselves. Think this is bad you should see the female, holy ancient mime ma, lean back a little you'll fall forward. OK, I had to rant of the digital space lacks. And this is at you 3d character designers of the dark skin clans. Don't forget regular people characters, you know, the ones who are not unplugged, the walk-ons and walk-bys, movie extras. They are essential in any drama and are cool if you need to show regular black folk living in that fancy modeled house (or spaceship) to a prospective black client. Yeah mon, Nubian I think.
Just for a sneek experiment I found a brown person face map and swapped it with the map on one of the white (there I said it) characters. What a monster (LOL)! We need to be who and what we are in digital space. Alas I am a plug and play guy and so I wait for a crew of pre-posed digital black persons to be free-ware or reasonably priced. I wonder if digital people know they are slaves to sentient beings? Story!!!
So if it is not too much fuss, you could apply SweetHome3D to 3D storyboarding. If you have a more powerful PC than I, I am sure the rendering shots are useful. And by the way Sweethome3d is free. There is no excuse for ones just getting into it to get in on it. And as toys go, this is dollhouses on steroids. I think I am going to insert SketchUP 2d "face-me" figures into sweethome3d, like living with life size paper cutouts, cartoonish effect.
Now read the coded message in the picture. House with roof blown, horse in house but it's cool (shades), dark guy is still in the box, light guy in Armoni and tennis shoes is running things. Who knows, the Shadow do.