a reason to read fantasy again By david mccauley on December 12, 2013

I'm not a huge "fantasy" fan... loved Howard, Wagner, Moorcock, but there havent been any in the genre that have "caught" me... however, i found myself loving this entire series... i have read all 3 of the books... i got "hooked" in the first one... pulled in by the second one... but this 3rd one really blew me away... there is an epic "fight" / conflict scene that twists and turns and just freaking exhausted me, when the fight was over, i was as worn out as the survivors...

all that being said, the thing that drew me in originally and pulled me in even deeper has been the politics and intrigue that drive the story and provide a solid and deep contextual foundation for the entire series... i'm looking forward to more...
Rating: 5 Stars.
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