From where does the future come?

Every day I live in my thoughts and compare them with the thoughts of others I see on TV and movies and Internet and people I live with and people I know and people I don't. Where does the future come from. Why do I crave for things not realized yet and set myself as a critic of all that pass before my desire. No, that is not the future, I say and yet again can not define what I mean by future.

It is not the next instance in time I crave. The next breath or next incident in time will come even if I am expired. Where is that higher mind and the associated objects. What good is vehicle powered by starlight if it is a conquest of ego, or a reward or status over one whose heart is true and drives an ox cart. Does shoes make the feet more blessed if the logo on them is backed by the multimedia campaign of a multimillion dollar conglomerate? The future is an equation of elevated souls and material things not at the expense of ones not so elevated. Perhaps we shall all arrive at some epiphany due to cosmic light called angels or god in the ancient vernacular. Super novas explode in the pre-dawn and visionaries tract the light across centuries. They write down what it might mean, the ideas come too fast, they encapsulate it in dreams, fairy tales, legends, myths, rhymes.

When the light reaches us all will be revealed, they say. In the mean time we build and destroy civilizations based on misinterpreted symbols, conjecture, power, greed, tradition. Teachers transcribe one myth with a literal history or bury truth by effacing. Souls die before bodies, walking dead trample the earth searching for brains to eat. Minds to eat. Like cattle for slaughter. Like humans lowered to the rank of animals.

There are no minds without brains, none. No brains that work without a consciousness inside effected by the push and pull of cosmic forces and microcosm forces. Nature is the villain, you hate and despise nature, call it names: tree, sky, dog, deer, imperfection of family trait. You never look inside of yourself. Don't go in there, there's demons and darkness, fear and God's awful lies. Yet under all the muck taught to us and we have heaped upon the corner, is a spark so feeble and weak from our own ignorance, lies the future. 

The spark in the corner is often passed on to the next generation unrealized by the present generation. We simply adore the covering mess we've accumulated or are consumed by fear from others. Don't go in there, have faith, it will come out on it's own, sweet by and by. A supernova has exploded in the corner of our universe. It was us being made conscious. It's light travels across the expanse desiring to be realized in our understanding and reality. Often by the time it reaches us, we are counting our breaths no longer caring wither or the next generation will get it.

Hey God I'm ready to do it again! What did you do with the last bang I gave you! Don't know, forget! You know if you nail it you'll retain it on the next go around, rumour has it. Oh, God has rumours now? I speak in parables, they tend not to change for eons. I hate repeating myself so I embed everything in patterns, rhythms, cycles, the variations are endless yet the modes are the same. I fashioned you to pick up on it, give you signs, intuition, reason. You will forget and come up with all kinds of funny stuff on your own, but I will leave the spark in side you. If you find it, I'll see you on the flip side. If not we'll do this again till you do. duh! Here's your spark, try not to bury it this time. Later G...........wah, wah, wah!   Damn, should have sent backup! Hey Star, when he comes to the age of reason send him light so he'll remember to look where I told him. Dang that sweet by and by, I wish I never said that!

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