Fund-a-ment-all Ebon-X. (the plot)

"Imagination is the shadow of creation. Ain't none if you miss one of both.
No copyright needed. I already stole this plot from the universe."

[José Justino Bronze]
Ebon-X plot

Participant 'party'


- Human
Earth 2011. Reality.
* ~ Terra-ist terrorist
* Hueman ~ Original creation
* Human kind ~ Creation by Hueman
African Diaspora ended up in Babelonian confusion (of tongues). They seek their salvation in younger peers i.e. "human kind".


- Anunaki
Left Earth 3600 solar years ago.
* A nu-nao-aki ~ we are not here
* A nu-nao-a-ki ~ we have no ki / we have no key
Came back for the first time in anticipation of the moment. They believe to live in the state "messy-us" and wait / are looking for the Mesyah (to arive) here on earth.
They left in attempts to keep [the] word pure. Pure from Babylonian confiusion (of tongues). "Affairs/traids" of humanity serving "bookkeeping" led to the question if word represent reality. Nebucatnezar / Babylon was about to develop itself to a center of "the world". "Affairs/traids" and "war" become one and the same (the military industrial complex was born).


- Elohim

Left Earth 10,500 years ago.

* El-o-HIM = He or Him
Also coming back.
Last time they came back undercover to help Anunaki restore [the] word again which turned out to be corrupted. They ran the risk of becoming infected by corrupted word but believed to have to take action. After returning "Terra" / earth was more back-words than expected.
10,500 years ago, Elohim made (a) man "in his image". Human kind was made in the image of Hueman. They turned against Hueman after being included in "the family". In order to keep the bloodline pure, one part left. At the last visit (to those who were later called Anunaki) they kept their bloodline clean, but underestimate what at that time was going on with [the] word. Unnoticed, their language also was corrupted / infected. They are not yet aware of it.


- Jin
Bio-Chemical robots.
Programmed to attack Earth and destroy everything that resemble hueman and then restore Earth to original state, but without Hueman. "Set" yielded them, "set" (programmed) them before beginning his ultimate attempts to get hueman on his side by means of infecting bloodlines with his seed to set "destiny" to his hand.
He also built in "modules" which make it possible for hueman and even human-kind to call upon them, to call for help regardless of the purpose and without judgment.


Figures from 'scriptures':


- Seraphs
Celestial beings that surround G*ds throne.


- Cherubs
Guardians of Eden (Pangea, Africa, Earth)


- Lucifer
* Set / Program(mer) or institution.
* Lucifer / illuminator.
* Is-not-clue's / St. Nicholas.
In his last attempt to corrupt G*ds seed he is merged into huemanity. 10,400 years ago, he attacked "Phy-sick" / physically with his seed. 3600 years ago. 3500 years ago he attacked [the] word itself which turned out to be "faith-all" to him.


- Michael
Not distinguishable from hueman or G*d.


- Gabriel
Not distinguishable from hueman or G*d.

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