Geeking out on 'Through the Wormhole'....

Only recently I discovered the Science/Entertainment show 'Through the Wormhole: with Morgan Freeman'. Though the man is an outstanding narrator, there's no attempt to reference his 'God' roles. Instead there's a sober but enlightened view of various topics from 'How did the Universe Begin' to 'Is there a Creator?' Each show though viewed through the lens of science doesn't discount intersecting spiritual beliefs, instead often correlating scientific evidence is presented showing that there just may be something to our myths, legends and doctrines.

The best thing about the show is it's been backing up a lot of the science I've put in my stories and fuels me with info for future ones! If you're writing in the sci-fi or pseudo-science genres, Through the Wormhole is definitely worth a look. Of particular interest is the episode: 'Is There Life After Death?' The discussion on current development of 'AI' (artificial intelligence') is worth watching on its own.

Through the Wormhole: 'Is There Life After Death?'

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