Geez, I'm Tired

Wow, what a day. Did I mention that I've never written a story? Any story? I know you're supposed to put in 10,000 man hours when you're trying to force out that plot, but today it just wasn't happening. BUT, Borders is going out of business, so I went ahead and took advantage of the clearance sale. I found me a copy of America's Best Short Stories 2007 or something like that. Inspiration, you know. I have ideas for NOVELS in my head, not short stories, so I gotta see how it is done.


There is a book of America's Best Science Fiction Short Stories, but I was reminded about it too late from that awesome geek husband I mentioned earlier. Anyway, I say this to say that even though I haven't actually written anything, I am laying the foundation.


Right now, it is bedtime for the boys, #1 is stressing me to my limit. For some reason, he always gets crazy hyper right before bedtime. Drives me NUTS! #2 is chillaxin', but that has always been his personality.


*breathes deep sigh* Super awesome husband has gone out to get sandwiches, and I am about to crash on the couch. Love you all...g'night.


P.S. I need some short story suggestions, as in what to read to help inspire me.

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