Getting My Online Presences in Order...

I did two positive things today.


1. I created a blog for myself called Half-Black, Half-Zebra (URL: The blog will be a place where I'm going to act all ignorant and stupid and dumb... If you are the type of person to become easily offended, then perhaps you shouldn't visit my blog. Hey, a sista has to vent some kind of way. :P


2. I created a store on so that I can turn my art into $$ in my pockets! I am broke right now, so my project for the summer will be creating artsy fartsy things to sell.

You can reach my zazzle store by visiting I don't have any items in there as of 6/25/11. That will change soon.


So those are the two main things I did today. I'll reveal more of my master plan in the coming days, or weeks.


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