Good review of my niece's book on Barnes & Noble

But omgosh, guys, see this is what we women deal with all the time, in so many aspects of our lives.

Makes me think of my Lettering and Layout instructor, back in the day, who told us that women weren't good at lettering, we don't have the delicacy of line like men do. (HUH?)

Anyway, here's what this reader had to say:

This was a great book. Have to say I'm surprised, I thought the

This was a great book. Have to say I'm surprised, I thought the author was a man, but when I went back I found out it's a chick. I'm also glad I didn't read the bio, I wouldn't have been interested reading a book by a mom of three, which sounds bad I know but really how many domestic housewives do you know that can write a fantasy that a 32 year old man would be interested in? I'm pretty impressed I tend to not enjoy chick writers (no offense). I prefer stuff like Robert Jordan, or R.A. Salvatore or Jim Butcher but this wasn't your typical chick book. It's pretty dark and she gets the male character's pretty well, also has a good sense of humor. The book jumps from several characters (which I usually dislike) but all of them are so different and again I was surprised that the author was able to write such convincing male characters (which I find women authors are not very good at, again no offense). The main character is pretty intense and you tend not to like her but she grows on you. For $4 it was a damn good read and I look forward to the next book.

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