Page one
Panel 1: tight on a masked figure sitting down we can't see his face, we're behind the figure, and they’re wearing what appears to be a long shroud. This is a close shot at a high angle.
1 caption: I sometimes get into feeling sorry for myself, how easy it is to make myself the victim
2 Caption: About what you ask? The plight of my people my families expectations, my relationship well usually the last thing but sometimes the others. Sometimes all three
Panel 2: close up on a book the person seems to be writing in, we can't see a hand only a pen. This is a slight high angle.
3 Caption: everyone has these problems or variations of them, right? So why should I be feeling sorry for myself
4 Caption: well for one it's human nature
Panel 3: wide shot, birds eye view. We see the figure sitting on a rooftop, below we see a large mass of people crowding around police cars, and this shot really should display how grandiose the city is.
5 Caption: because when I get depressed, I lose track of time and when I lose track of anything people suffer.
Panel 4: insertion panel of the Geist’s eyes.
No copy
Panel 5: extreme wide shot of the street below. There are people spread out like ants in front of police barricades while cop cars line the end of the street.
Page two
Panel 1: Birds eyeshot the figure leaps off of the roof, the book seems to have disappeared, his shroud flying up. We can see the figures long dread locks going every which way. This is a foreground shot with the background, which is the street below is blurred.
1 caption: about a month ago police stopped a young male up here, something about him fitting the description. Which I’m assuming is young male black anywhere from 5'1 to 7'0 and about 90 to 250 pounds. Additional features include pants a shirt and hair anywhere from bald to dreaded. Do rags and fitted caps optional.
2 caption: anyway the kid has some weed on him gets scared and takes off, and of course subduing a suspect and fatally wounding him are one in the same so, the cops take action. Add that up to all the police beatings and the gentrification of Far South that followed; throw in the fact that during the summer black folks get disgruntled and presto instant riot.
Panel 2: the police are pushing people back, some barricades have been placed up and there are a couple of police cars flashing lights, the cops are facing us but we can see the backs of the crowd. It's important to note that most of the cops on the inside are black with white cops sprinkled on the outside. This is a full shot seen from an angle level with the horizon.
3-crowd member #1: murderers
4-crowd member #2: fucking pigs
5 black cop #1: calm down folks
Panel 3: focus on a crowd member a male about late 20's we see his back he's facing a black police officer, named roger drake. Here Roger’s attempting to calm down the crowd making slow gestures. This is a low angle medium shot
6 roger: Darren what are you doing here, your mother will be worried sick.
7 Darren: fuck you sell out ass nigga. Don’t act like you know me.
Panel 4: this is a close up on. Roger he's pained by this response and we see it on his face. This will appear later and be a constant theme in his head.
8 Roger: I do know you we went to school together.
Page three:
Panel 1: Another black officer, Derrick Thomas comes up to Roger, noticing the expression on his face he attempts to comfort him.
1 Derrick: Hey man don't let these no goods get you down, we ain't sell outs we're just trying to do our part for society.
2 Roger: yeah man, you're right.
Panel 2: this is a Mid- shot; two police officers are talking.
3 Officer #1: ...yeah it started with some kid talking shit to one of our boys, when the cop got in his face, he attempted to attack and the cop defended himself, as the kid was being arrested a crowd formed, but not like they always do, these folks seemed more angry than scared.
4 Officer #2: when are these people gonna learn that times are changing, with the yuppie kids moving in, and all this eminent domain stuff. I mean why resist change?
Panel 3: same shot, the second officer is smirking, But behind them we see the shadow of something large and fast approaching on top of the cop car.
5 officer #1: So whada ya thinks gonna happen here ta night, think we might have to start bustin' heads
6 officer#2: I dunno, but it don't matter to me either way, folks gotta show some respect for the badge and if we gotta be the ones to show' em then who are we to argue?
Page four
Panel 1: splash page. Takes up the whole of the page. The young man in the mask we saw on the roof earlier has just made his decent right onto the cop car, two officers were standing near, it buckles and the windows blow out. The two cops hit the deck make this as grand an entrance as possible.
7 sfx: booooooomm
8 officer #1: oh shit!
9 officer #2: what the fuck!
Page five
Panel 1: the cops and crowd look stunned this is a shot medium of derrick and roger turning around, the looks on their faces says, “oh shit”. Some people in the crowd are awe struck others still angered others scared a few are smiling.
1 roger: oh my god
2 derrick: what the hell
3 leon : he's here. The geist is here.
4 darren: ya'll niggas done fucked up now.
Panel 2: takes up the rest of the page. Big establishing shot of the geist our hero aka marcus ripley. His locks flow in the wind while dust swirls up from behind and around him, his shroud flutters majestically. His costume is a red and black jumpsuit, on the elbows and knees are red lines. His long shroud is black on the outside and red on the inside. His gloves had red lines on the fingers and his boots have a red toe. A symbol that looks like an oroburos is emblazoned on his chest; we can see it through his open shroud. The mask he wears looks like it's molded to his face it's not but its mystical properties make it seem that way, it's black with red strips pointing inward but never meeting. His eyes appear to glow.
5 geist: haven't been to Far South in a while, looks like it's getting the Mongrave treatment too huh?
Page six
Panel 1: we're seeing roger and derrick still a bit shocked reaching for their guns, geist is in the middle of them and the cops on the other side. This is a full-shot in the middle of the panel should be the geist standing in the rubble of the cop car.
1 derrick: stay the fuck back you nut. We don't need your help.
2 roger: yeah, stay where you are
Panel 2: close on the geist looking a bit amused. Raising his arm under his shroud, it should start to move.
3 geist: i don’t recognize your authority. I only recognize the will of the people.
Panel 3: we're seeing the crowd cheer, now knowing that he's here for them. This is a wide, meduim shot so we’re seeing the rows of the crowd from the waist up.
4 crowd: yeah show those pigs, kick they assess, sell out nigga's
Panel 4: we see a teenager leon close on. He's yelling angry, wanting justice.this is a close up of him, just give me head and shoulders
5 leon: do to those pigs what they did to my brother.
Panel 5: the cops point their guns at the geist. We're facing roger and derrick now they're pointing their guns up toward us. This is a medium shot at a high angle.
6 derrick: y-you're under arrest for vigilantism and destruction of police property as well as reckless endangerment.
Page seven
Panel 1: the geist does a somersault into the air; the cops get scared and begin firing. At him. The bullets blaze past him.
1 derrick: fire!
2 geist: is this the same amount of excessive force you used aganist kenny maxwell last month?
3 geist: cause if it is then someone should call a civil rights activist…
Panel 2: the geist lands right in front of a white officer disarming him by grabbing his gun and smacking him across the face.
4 officer: unffffff!
5 geist: i'll take that.
Panel 3: we're behind an officer now so it’s partially from his pov but we can see the back and side of him in the foreground and in the background we see the geist is using his warping ability. It seems to leave after images. The officer is firing at the after images
6 officer: oh my god, oh my god.
7 sfx: wommmmm
Panel 4: the geist’s swings his shroud at the cop making the weapon disappear. This should be a two shot and a fairly close up one.
8 geist: yahhh!
9 officer: gasp.!
Panel 5: the officer is unharmed but the geist follows up with an elbow to the face knocking the officer out.
9 the geist: sit down
10 officer: arghhh
Panel 6: we're looking from rogers point of view derrick is beside him shooting, he's watching the geist take the police apart. With speed and grace. He is kicking one in the face and punching another in the head.
11 derrick: damn it we don't need this shit i don't need this shit.
Page eight
Panel1: geist filps up in the air ready to pounce on derrick and roger. They're looking up so this is from their pov at a low angle but we can see them.
1 roger: gasp!
2 derrick : oh shit.
Panel 2: the geist kicks derrick in the face planting him in the ground. Roger is still stunned, we can see the geist's face. He loves it. This is a low angle shot we’re over rogers shoulder.
3 geist : allie oop
4: derrick : argghh
Panel 3: two shot of the geist and roger. Roger’s pointing his gun at the geist. The geist is smiling an invicble smile. If you can imagine a look that says “what’s a gun going to do to me” then please draw it. This is a foreground shot.
5 roger: stay back man you're under arrest.
6 geist: oh please. Put the gun down.
Panel 4: we see a similar shot but this time the crowd is in it. They're cheering the geist on. Roger is still holding the gun. Leon's up in front.
7 roger: get on the ground man or i’ll be forced to shoot you.
8 geist: if you we're gonna shot me you'd have done it already.
9 leon: roast that pig.
10 darren: yeah kill that uncle tom ass nigga.
Panel 5: roger is looking back at the crowd he knows he's out numbered he looks distrested. The geist is approaching him fast. This is a full shot we’re seeing ruined scene in the back ground.
11 geist: look you're hearts obviously not completely in this cop thing. There are some many other postive things you could be doing. So why not put the gun down and leave before the crowd get's in on my act, and i don't think they'll stop until you're dead.
Page nine
Panel 1: full page shot; we're seeing the geist, holding roger by his collar and the crowd so this is a pull back so you can get all of them. The geist looks really confident in this picture he's looking at the crowd and points at the police from under his shroud.
1 geist: i'm here to let you folks know that you're now under the protection of the geist. If you'd like to be, i’m here to defend this city. Remember to keep your communities close; the more we work with each other the stronger we become.
Page ten
Panel1: the geist walks away from the crowd and roger. His back is to us and so is rogers. This is a full shot of the both of them. It’s back round centric
1 geist: you're not cut out for this cop stuff officer drake
2 roger: how did you?
3 geist: i read your badge.
Panel 2: the geist holds leaps into the air and the space around him is bending. Below we see the crowd and roger looking up at him in amazement. Below t.v. crews and van's come into veiw. This is a low angle.
4 geist: peace people.
Panel 3: we see a worms eye view of leon looking up at the geist making his exit. Note this because leon will return.
Panel 4 : tight on the geist in the air we are looking at him from the front this is kind of an establishing shot. He's coming up at us, behind him is the Acacia skyline.
5 geist caption: next stop Mongrave to get some sleep.
Panel 5: mid shot the geist is falling from the sky on to an old apartment building in Mongrave. It looks odd beside condos; there is one window slightly open. The building is about 4 floors high could be in bushwick or bedstuy.
Panel 6: the geist leaps into the window. It's dark and there's nothing to tell us what's in the room.
1 female voice: took you long enough.
2 geist: sorry babe, had to stop a riot.
Page eleven
Panel 1: full page. The light flicks on we see a voluptious young black woman with thick lips, named Téa with her locks tied in a ponytail. She's wearing a close fitting night gown, that's having a hard time not ridding up her ample butt. Her gown is slightly open exposing her cleavge which is about as close to a d cup as a c cup can get. She's wearing green slippers and a look that says “i should kick your ass for making me wait.” And she could too. We're seeing a two shot of them and the geist now marcus ripley is taking off his mask and putting the note book from earlier which is his journal down on the a table in the living area. Next to the table is a couch across from that is a tv. And so on you know the usual crap.
1 Téa: sorry doesn't stop me from worrying. Or allow me to go to sleep.
2 marcus: you knew that when i inherited the title of the geist i’d have to protect the city. And that comes with a lot of risk.
Page twelve:
Panel 1: two shot of marcus and Téa, she's still upset. Marcus costume seems to be rising off of him like dust.
1 Téa: is it worth you dying? Or getting found out and getting locked up? All of the drug dealers you put away, they'd kill you in jail.
2 marcus: relax i'm too fast and agile to get shot and the dealers shoot worse than cops, plus they're all scared of me.
Panel 2: close on marcus getting hit with a slipper. While putting on a t-shirt
3 Téa from off: dodge this then
4 marcus: owww no fair i wasn't ready.
Panel 3: close on Téa more worried than angry now.
5 Téa: that's what i'm talking about, what if you're not ready, the next time some cop starts firing or some dealer get's scared and starts lickin' shots?
Panel 4: close on marcus taking off his pan'ts,
6 marcus: not gonna happen babe, i'm trained too well and well you know about my gifts.
7 Téa from off: don't they come with the mask, what if some one sTéals it then what?
8 marcus: doesn't work that way, it's just a conduit. It only helps me access the powers more easily. Plus my shroud absorbs bullets, so i'm good.
Panel 5: two shot of marcus and Téa, Téa is touching a wound on his ribs and he's flinching.
9 Téa: oh yeah, what about this?
10 marcus: ouch! That's just a scracth.
11 Téa: but what happens when it's more than just a scratch what happens when it's a hole?
Panel 5: marcus kissing Téa passionetly, her arms are wrapped around his neck, his are around her waist, she’s an inch taller than he is, him being 5'7 and her being 5'8.
12 marcus: could we not worry about that now. Let's just worry about us. Mmmmmm
13 Téa: i am baby i am. Mmmm.
Page thirteen
Panel 1 we're outside a bedrom, a dim light comes from inside it
1 caption : later that night
2 Téa from off: right there baby, yesssss
3 marcus: hold on let me... Yeahhhh
4 Téa: ohmmmmmm
Panel 2:we're seeing Téa and macus between the sheet's doing their thing, marcus is on top. This could just be silhouettes
5 marcus: uhhhhh
6 Téa: ummmm.
7 marcus: baby i'm ...
8 Téa: just uh, hold on, um a little bit, longer
Panel 3: marcus is thrusting into Téa although peneteration is covered by sheets. Both eyes closed.
9 marcus: hmmmmm
10 Téa: faster baby, i'm almost there.
Panel 4 money shot so to speak, both people releasing in unison, Téa is biting her lip and clawing his back, marcus is thrusting into her hard, mouth agape.
11 Téa: yess baby... Ohhh,
12 marcus: uhhhhhhh.
Panel 5 after glow shot we're seeing Téa lying next to marcus both smiling, this is a close birds eye veiw. The moon light is peaking out of the corner of the panel marcus' eyes are closed
13 Téa: so explain to me again how the geist energy needs to be released through sex.
14 marcus: it doesn't actually have to be sex, but we'll it's all apart of these sacred pricipals between the masculine and feminine energies…why? Would you rather we didn't have sex?
15 Téa: i didn't say that i'm just asking.
16 marcus: ok, well good night
17 Téa: should'a saw that coming. Sigh. Good night.
Page fourteen
Panel 1: we are seeing an apartment buildin, a window on the 4th floor, the illumination coming from a window cast the siluohette of a young man. This is the aparment of leon and his mother esther, her son kenny was killed a month ago.
1 from inside esther: leon don't you have to be to bed.
2 leon : i'm going to in a second ma.
Panel 2: we're in a room from the windows point of view looking in, we see leon looking at a news paper article, with the head lines, the geist: vigilante menace or hero. Leon is seated at a desk and other clippings related to the geist and police burtallity, are scattered around it. His door is closed. Leon has cornrows, he's wearing a white tee and basketball shorts. He's brown skinned with dark eyes.
3 ester outside the door: not in a second, now! I don't want you late for school.
4 leon: okay mom.
panel 3: same shot execpt now leon is looking annoyed.
5 ester: and i won't be able to take you to practice tomrrow, i've got a church meeting.
6 leon: yeah, ok mom i'll walk
Panel 4: close up on the geist article from the “ Acacia chronicle”, it should list how he's cleaned up neighborhoods full of drug dealers and gangs, but is now taking on cops and maybe linked in the crane incidents at two constuction sites and is now labeled a menace by some and a hero by others. The article should list marcus ripley as the writer.
Panel 5: now we see leon get up and stand in front of his closet. This is a side veiw so we see both the closet and leon.
5 esther off: i'm going to bed. G'night baby.
Panel 6: we see leon open his closet half way to reveal what appears to be a jacket it has a green oroburos on it, next to it is a baseball bat. It's painted black. He's staring at both intently. Same shot.
6 ester: i said goodnight baby!
7 leon: goodnight mom.
Page fifteen
Panel 1: we see a birds eye veiw of roger drake, in the police man's locker room. There are different groups of cops talking. White cops, some black cops, hispanic cops and a few asians.
1 white cop # 1: ... Heard you guys had a run in with the geist. How'd that go down?
2 white cop # 2: yeah, sonofabitch, attacked us. He does all this fucking acrobat shit. Man i'd like to get that motherfucker alone with out all that shit.
Panel 2: we're seeing a side view of roger now closing his locker behind it is derrick . Roger looks sad still thinking about the comments directed at him by the crowd. This is a mid-shot
3 derrick : hey man, what's up? You look like somethings eating you.
4 roger: that situation today. That crowd, they hated us man. They really hated us.
5 derrick : look man, let me tell you something we perform a service, we protect them from themselves. I mean come on they're just jealous, crabs in a barrel man.
Panel 3: we see the two white police officers looking at roger and derrick who are off screen, they both have “ what the fuck” looks on their faces.
6 from off roger: from themselves? You sound like you didn't grow up on that same street. The very street we used to run.
7 from off derrick : hey man we didn't do what they do on the streets, we hung out man we had fun.
8 from off roger: and now the hanging out we used to do, is now a crime. Hell it was damn near a crime back then.
Panel 4: birds eye view. We see the white cops walk toward, roger and derrick , the locker room is clearing out. Both cops o'brian and siglino are in civilian clothes, so are roger and derrick .
9 o'brian: what's all this i hear? Sounds like you don't wanna be an officer anymore.
10 siglino: yeah this badge is a brotherhood, if you're not with us then...
Panel 4: were seeing a shot of derrick standing in front of roger, putting his hands up in a calming gesture. Roger is in the background, he looks slightly angered.
11 derrick : hold on guys , let's not jump toconclusions here, roger's just concerned.
12 from off o'brain: concerned, for who? You should be concerned for us. The people who watch your back everyday, your brothers in arms. Not some gang banging, drug dealing, shiftless...
13: derrick : now hold on o'brian, there's no need for all that.
Panel 5: close. O'brian is pointing at roger who is trying to move beyond derrick , they're sqauring off. Siglino, is behind o'brian holding him back. Both roger and o'brain both look mad.
14 o'brian: yeah there is, i wanna known that when i'm out here on the streets dealing with the scum, i can count on you people to watch my back.
15 roger: you people, what the fuck does that mean?
16 siglino: hey o'brain man maybe it's time that we go?
17: derrick : calm down rog, we're all on the same side.
Panel 6: o'brian and siglino are walking out of the locker room, their backs are too us. We're seeing derrick and roger still in the same spot. Roger is looking angerliy at derrick .
18 o'brian: yeah it is.
19 derrick : roger what's gotten into you man, you're gonna let some rowdy black folk and a crazed vigilante make you forget that we're all on the same side?
20 roger: you know what, i'm not so sure what side i'm on anymore.
21 derrick : don't talk like that man.
22 roger: and you know what, i can see why our people hate us.
Page seventeen
Panel 1: this is an establishing shot of the “Acacia chronicle” news paper building during the day. We're focusing on the tenth floor.
1 from in curry: i don't know how in the hell you do it but you get the best coverage of urban affairs i've ever seen.
2 from in marcus: thanks sir, i try.
Panel 2: were seeing the inside of an office building, it's actually a publication office. Various people are moving around, think daily bugle or daily planet set up. If you need some refrence i'll send it. I want the focus to be on a frosted glass door that reads editor-in-chief. On it below that should be the name albert h. Curry.
3 from in curry: you succeed, you've got a real handle on this especially on issues related to the geist.
4 from in marcus: well sir i'm a natuarl i guess, i mean my dad did it so...
Panel 3:we’re seeing marcus' back it's obscuring us from curry, he's sitting down at a desk. From what we can see of the office there are two metal cabinets lining the walls, there is a coat rack on curry's right side and a bookshelf on his left.
5 curry: this is the second gathering of people since the shooting last month, if it keeps going like this we may have a riot on our hands, and excuse me if i say that'll sell papers.
6: marcus: uh... Yeah of course, at the expense of other people. Which is wrong.
Panel 4: we're now seeing a close shot of curry he looks like he's being accused of something, he's nervous looking. Curry is a middle aged man with pink skin, he has no hair in the middle of his head and hair on the sides, he's got hairy arms and wear's a gold watch, his nose is hawkish but not too long. He’s actually not a bad guy.
7 curry: n-n-now, i don't buy these papers and i don't know why people like seeing violence, wars over seas, riots and the like, i don't tell people to buy them i just sell them.
Panel 5: marcus is looking annoyed, or more of a “are you fucking kidding me” look his arms are now folded. This is a close up of him.
8 marcus: yeah i know. So what is it you'd like me to do?
Panel 6: two shot of marcus and curry. Marus is standing over the sitting curry. Curry's smiling nervously marcus is looking down indifferently.
9 curry: to keep up the good work, that's all, maybe to stick with this geist angle people love this nut.
10 marcus: oh sure thanks. And i've got an idea for a new piece called “vigilance”, it'll be geared towards the geist and any other possible vigilantie activity that may go on. I was wondering if the chronicle could back it.
11 curry: sounds great, type me up a pitch and we can work, with it.
Page eighteen
Panel 1: we're seeing a full page shot of marcus, we're seeing him from the front, he's on the phone with his grandfather, he's smiling. We see the oroburos symbol of the geist in his shadow. If you could make it so his shadow is just a black shadow, which has the symbol in it that'd be great. Marcus is wearing a small gray collared shirt with fitting beige slacks and our favorite sketchers. His dreadlocks are turnicated in a ponytail by a gray bandana.
1 hannibal from phone: you did some great work last night, a lot more folks are taking notice.
2 marcus: see i told you that doing self-publicity would help; our people watch the news and read the papers.
3 hannibal from phone: yeah well just make sure you don't give yourself away, you're way too important to be caught.
4 marcus: yeah i know, granddad look i'm going to pick Téa up from work i'll call you later.
5 hannibal: tell that cutie of yours i said hi.
6 marcus: will do granddad later.
Page nineteen
Panel 1: we see marcus walking down the street past various people, it doesn't matter what they look like they could be tourists or whatever he's in manhattan so put a bunch of hipsters in there if you need reference for hipsters i'll send you it. Close on.
1 marcus caption: and now for the best part of my day.
Panel 2: we see marcus, standing in front of a book store named “bookjacket”. Which is painted on the glass on the front door it's basically a barnes and noble. Téa works here as an assistant manager. He's looking at his phone for the time. Close on.
2 marcus caption: it’s 5 o'clock she should be done by now.
Panel 3: we see marcus walking in to the store, he's facing us. Walking at a casual pace the black security guard who is noticabaly bigger than him keeps a watchful eye. Marcus notices this but pays no mind. There are yuppies and hipsters moving about a good deal are looking at marcus. This should take up the bottom of the page.
3 marcus caption: don't worry i'm not gonna try to engage you in front of your masters.
Page twenty
Panel 1: Téa is facing us, in front of here we see kevin a hipster who works at the store, he's dressed in your run of the mill cigarette jeans. Skinny jeans for those who don't know with a run of the mill tight black t-shirt with a band on the front. Lets have it say pretense. Téa is looking as beautiful as ever her hair is nice and natural, done up in a head rap. She's wearing a burgandy tank top and a black skirt with white spots, as well as a pair of leather sandals. Kevin's obviously trying to holla at Téa the way white boys do, to black girls they think are vulnerable to their charms.
1 kevin: so what are you gonna do when you get off? Cause i was thinking of going to that new resturant that just opened up in Mongrave with some friends.
2 Téa: well my boyfriend marcus is coming to pick me up, and we were going to “sankofa” when we get back into Mongrave.
3 kevin: oh that's where we're going, how'd you learn about it?
4 Téa: oh my boyfriends family owns the place.
Panel 2: we're seeing marcus walk up the stairs from Téa's pov. We can see the back of her and kevins back to the side of her again Téa is well endowed back there so make it show, this should be a background shot.
5 Téa: there he is. There's my man.
6 kevin: oh.
Panel 3: Téa is practiclly leaping into marcus' arms they could be kissing or just hugging the force with which she's jumping on him almost knocks him over. This shot should really show how much Téa loves marcus and how much marcus loves Téa in turn. Kevin is in the background looking jealous and a bit angery.
7 Téa: babyyyy!
8 marcus: whoa, hey hun.
Panel 4: this should be a three shot of marcus, Téa and kevin. Téa is smiling ear to ear, and marcus has an uncontrollable grin, kevin is smiling too but its kind of sardonic grin.
9 Téa: i'll see you tomorrow kevin, unless you'd like to come with us.
10 marcus: yeah i mean you can if you like being the third wheel and all. Heh
11 kevin: nah i'm gonna wait for my friends to give me a call, maybe i'll see you two there tonight.
Panel 5: marcus and Téa are walking away, marcus' arm is around Téa's waist and their walking close together she's kissing him on the cheek, in the back we see keving walk off.
12 marcus: was that the one you were talking about, the reason you wanted me to come down here and pick you up.
13 Téa: shhh. Not so loud. And yes that is, he's always trying to ask me out, i've shut him down like ten times, now can we go? I haven't eaten since 1 o'clock
14 marcus: so all that affection was to ward away some white boy who has a crush on you?
15 Téa: if all the work i put in last night wasn't enough of a show of affection baby i'm not sure what is.
16 marcus: i'm Téasing you relax. Let’s get going.
Page twenty-one
Panel 1: we're seeing a mid shot from the sky a big resturant with the words “sankofa” on the awning. It's Mongrave but slowly genetrifiying Mongrave, so i wanna see brothas and sistas walking around the place along with those yuppy hispter white folks who are trying to sTéal culture. All sorts of people are walking into sankofa.
1 from inside hannibal: so glad you two could make it, you all order anything you like.
2 from inside Téa: thank you mr. Ripley.
Panel 2: we see the interior of the place, beautiful moorish paintings line the walls, paintings of black people from all over, from the kings and queens of kemet to saint maurice of germany. There are pictures of james brown, jimi hendrix, billie holiday, you name it. This is a kind of wide panel so it should take up the page end to end. But not the whole page itself; marcus and Téa are sitting down at a table in front of the bar. At the bar various people sit down doesn't matter what they look like. Note that at the top corner of the bar there is a tv. The bartender is a bald black guy whose assistant is a caramel skinned sista with wild light brown hair. In front of Téa and marcus stands a stout muscular black man with a salt and pepper fro, and a mustache he should resmble marcus and he's smiling. This is hannibal ripley marcus' grandfather and former protector of the city. Both Téa and marcus are looking away from us and at him.
3 hannibal: call me grandpa, dear. I hope you're treating my grand son right. Heh
4 Téa: don't worry i am. Right honey?
5 marcus: yes granddad she really is.
Panel 3: close on hannibal his smile widens, in this shot we can see that though he's short he's quite muscular, like a little battle tank.
6 hannibal: that's what i like to hear, our men and women need to get back to loving and taking care of eachother. That's the only way for us to survive.
Panel 4: hannibal is walking away and Téa and marcus are looking at each other, Téa is grining, marcus his resting chin on the heel of his palm, admiring her. This is another mid shot the news is now on.
7 hannibal: oh and nice work last night.
10 marcus: thanks grandad.
9 Téa: he's nice. I think he likes me.
10 marcus: he'd have to, cause i do.
11 Téa: i never know what to think when you look at me like that.
Panel 5: same shot.
12marcus: yes you do.
13 Téa: oh yeah and what's that?
14 marcus: that i love you.
Page twenty-two
Panel 1: similar shot except that this time marcus is sitting up looking sincere, Téa is sitting up looking a bit stunned and not a little breath taken. Romantic shot. Show the glare from the t.v.
1 Téa: you say it like you’ll never see me again
2 marcus: i don’t mean to, but sometimes i don’t feel like i tell you enough
3 Téa: oh marcus, i-...
4 from tv: this footage is being streamed live from someones camera phone.
Panel 2: close on the t.v. screen we see blurry picture of what appears to be the geist fighting off a group of thugs. Don't be too discriptive we don't need colors just show that he's in all black.
5 from t.v male annoucer: it appears that the vigilantie the geist is attacking gang members up in Far South. This is the second night in a row, the geist whose normal stomping grounds are Mongrave has ventured north, but with the recent police activities i suppose it makes sense.
6 from t.v. female annoucer: guess he got enough money to take the 2 trains huh mike.
7 from t.v. male annoucer: i guess so jen.
Panel 3: this is a mid shot. Hannibal is standing in front of the bar, i want you to draw an afterimage of him looking at marcus and then the t.v.marcus and Téa are facing us, mouth's agape. None of the customers are paying attention they’re all enthralled in the t.v.
8 hannibal: (whispering) what the hell, who the hell is that?
9 Téa: (whispering) yeah i mean you're right here
10 marcus: (whispering) i don't know but, i'm gonna have to find out. Excuse me baby.
Panel 4: we're seeing from behind marcus as he's getting up, Téa is standing with him holding his shirt slevee. She looks worried, her eyes are wide. We still see the glow of the t.v.
11 Téa: (whispering) baby please be careful.
12: marcus: (whispering) i will honey, i love you, i’ll be back. Wait here please.
Panel 5: marcus is walking out the door, his back is to us we can see black smoke trailing off of him. We see the other guests still not paying attention, to him. Téa is now standing up we can see her from a back side view she is staring at marcus, her mouth is open as she whispers, hannibal is looking at his grandson. He has his hand on Téa's shoulder.
13 Téa: (whispering) i love you too.
14 hannibal: he'll be fine, trust me.
Page twenty three
Panel 1: full page shot, we're seeing all of the patrons staring at the t.v. the scene on it is a street corner, we're seeing a man who appears to be the geist execpt he has cornrows, we don't see his mask or face, but in his hand he has a jet black baseball bat, and on his jacket is a green oroburos. So we now know that this is leon. In the background are some gang memebers all “brick town boys” who wear orange flags, some are on the floor others are holding guns at, him.
1 : leon as geist: didn't you assholes hear that Far South's now under my protection?, now drop your weapons before someone get's hurt.
© 2009 , Ra’Chaun Rogers.