I thank God for my wife!

December 18th thru the 22nd  Squirrels & Puppies Dark Morality Tales will be free for the Amazon Kindle.
In the meantime, I'm still working on "Ruins of the Fall".  I have about 14 chapters written so far, making it already longer than my last book.  My lovely wife has been supportive of my endeavors.  I recently have found out that my wife has actually been paying attention to my work.  Before I thought she was simply telling me that my work is good because I'm her husband, but I let her read my latest chapter entitled "The Colored Girl" and she told me, flat-out, it needed work.  
The main character, Zisa Francoeur, transformed from a mild-mannered victim to a cold-blood killer far too quickly, she said.  Then she dropped the bomb on me.  She said that my main character wasn't angry enough and didn't have enough pain in her life.  I like to think that I torture my main characters as if I were some sadistic god-figure.  However, my wife has informed me that this last story was a little lacking in that department, so I'm going to have to go back and do a major re-write on the chapter. 
I feel very good about this.  For a while, I was worried that "Ruins of the Fall" might not be as good as "Squirrels & Puppies" because I haven't had the opportunity to workshop "Ruins" but with my wife giving me honest critiques (even though she finds my works disturbing) I know "Ruins of the Fall is on track to be my best work yet. 
Thank God for giving me such a wonderful, beautiful wife!
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