Tonight Penelope & Otto review "The Book of Eli" where all the black women at?! We discuss the Obama Healthcare summit, wonder what's with Atlanta and these ant-abortion 'endangered species' billboards, *Spoiler Alert!* - When is it okay to reveal the big reveal? We give you The In Like Flynn weekly giveaway and bring you the phrase of the week. as well as discussing ways to get you back to work. Come join us on the 100% grown folks weekly update where Penelope & Otto will deliver all you need to know in news, entertainment politics, current events and finance. This and more on this installment of In Like Flynn!
Saturday 2/27/2010 9:30pm CST 90 Minutes CLICK ON THE LINK AND JOIN US TONIGHT AT 9:30pm CST and call 718/508-9683 and TELL US WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND!